
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
pomóżcie mi:)
polecenie brzmi :)
Imagine there is an Anglish club at your school.
Write an announcement for the club. Include the followieng information:
*whene it meets
*where it meets
*what it does
*who to phone
*phone number
>pomóżcie mi:)

wiem, że się znacie i to dla Was jest PIKUŚ :)
jkl sama tego nie zrobisz, to dla Ciebie nigdy to nie bedzie pikus, a moze byc.
Odrob sama, a my sprawdzimy.
ale najgorsze to jest to, że nie wiem jak zacząc.
pomóżcie chociaż 1 zdanie mi napisac
zapraszamy wszystkich do English club. The Club meets w każdą środę ... itp.
I'd like to invite you to meet School English Club :)
It will be great fun!
The meet stars at 3 p. m. on Saturday,15 th May at school.
Please bring any books and your favourite notebook with you.
You can't miss it!

Tell the others about us met.
If you are interested call me on [tel]or contact Mark from group 10.
See you, Monika.
No widzisz, to już ma sens.

I'd like to invite you to meet School English Club :) = napisałaś 'zaprosić was spotkać Klub". Albo 'zaprosić do klubu', albo 'zaprosic na spotkanie W klubie'
It will be great fun!
The meetING stars BŁĄD ORTOGRAFICZNY at 3 p. m. on Saturday,15 th May at THE school.(CHODZI O BUDYNEK SZKOLY)
Please bring any books PRZYNIESCIE JAKIEKOLWIEK KSIĄZKI? - TO CHCIALAS NAPISAC? and your favourite notebook ULUBIONY NOTES? with you.
You can't miss it!

about us met.= O NAS SPOTKANE popraw to

reszta ok.
I'd like to invite you to School English Club :)
It will be great fun!
The meeting starts at 3 p. m. on Saturday,15 th May at the school.
Please bring any books and your favourite notebook with you.
You can't miss it!

Tell the others about meet at us.
If you are interested call me on [tel]or contact Mark from group 10.
See you, Monika.

haha. lepiej?
to nawet nie jest dla mnie ;/.
a może coś jeszcze napisac?
nigdy nie pisałam takiego ogłoszenia.
I'd like to invite you to THE School English Club :)
Please bring any books and your favourite notebook with you. - nadal nie rozumiem, po co maja przynosic jakiekolwiek ksiazki albo ulubiony notes

about meet at us. - o spotkać u nam.
napisz 'powiedz innym o spotkaniu (nie 'o spotkać')
I'd like to invite you to The School English Club :)
It will be great fun!
The meeting starts at 3 p. m. on Saturday,15 th May at the school.
Please bring any books and your favourite notebook with you.
You can't miss it!

say other about the meeting.
If you are interested call me on [tel]or contact Mark from group 10.
See you, Monika.

o rety ;P
a teraz?
czemu zmienilas 'tell others'? to bylo dobre.
jak chcesz pisac o wszystko jedno jakiej ksiazce i ulubionym notesie, to pisz. Mnie nic do tego.
I'd like to invite you to The School English Club :)
It will be great fun!
The meeting starts at 3 p. m. on Saturday,15 th May at the school.

You can't miss it!

Tell the others about the meeting.
If you are interested call me on [tel]or contact Mark from group 10.
See you, Monika.

??? a co napisac o tym co się tam robi?
This week pokażemy film TYTUŁ a potem porozmawiamy o tym filmie.
this week we will show you "History about English language " and we will talk about this film?
"History of the English language "

ale to nudny film, ja bym wolał Pottera.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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