zadanko do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzic zadanie i przetłumaczyc na polski to co nie wiem? Bardzo proszę.

Grace and her children Anne and Nicholas lived in a big house w którym musiało byc zawsze ciemno because children have allergy to sunlight. One night Grace heard strange noises. She ran upstairs. Her daughter told her that there are other people in the house but she didn't believe her. After that Grace heard piano, she went to it but music stopped playing. All at once the door closed. She was very frightened. The next day in the morning Grace's servants took down the curtains, Grace got very angry. Whole house was very bright. She ordered them to go away. Some day Grace by chance found old photo of dead servants. She didn't understand anything. Then Grace found out that dead servants returned. She went upstairs. She saw a family but family couldn't see her. In the end of the story Grace finally understood everything. She, her children and servants are ghosts. Frightened family left the house.
Grace and her children, Anne and Nicholas, lived in a big house.
It had to be dark in the house all the time because the children were allergic to sunlight.

Her daughter told her that there were other people...

Later, Grace heard a piano; she followed the music, but it stopped.

The whole house was very bright.

She sent the servants away. zamiast she ordered...

One day, by chance, Grace found an old photo of the servants.

....that the dead servants returned.
....but the family couldn't see her.

At the end of the movie....
Grace, her children and the servants were ghosts.
The frightened family...
dziękuję bardzo!!!!!
a czego tam napisałaś were allergic? bo my w podręczniku mieliśmy kawałek tego tekstu i tam było HAVE ALLERGY
to be allergic to sth - być uczulonym na cos
to have allergy to sth - mieć na cos uczulenie

Mozesz napisac had allergy to sunlight.
ok, to wszystko, dzięki!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie