Opowiadanie w 3 os.: Opowiadanie z zakończeniem " he breathed a sigh of relief". - wzór wypracowania

Opowiadanie w 3 os.: Opowiadanie z zakończeniem " he breathed a sigh of relief".

A few days before his mum's fiftieth birthday, Jack opened his piggy-bank and took out the money he'd been saving for almost a year to buy her a stylish necklace. He put his wallet in his bag and went to catch a bus to the centre, popping in the newsagent's on the way to get a ticket.

As it was rush hour, the bus was quite crowded. Jack managed to squeeze in but he had to stand on the steps with the bag pressed against his side and unable to move, next to a guy smelling of alcohol. When they finally arrived at the centre, Jack went straight to the nearest jeweller's.

He immediately found the necklace he had spotted a few days earlier. When the shop assistant gift-wrapped it for him, Jack thought his mum would be thrilled. His face fell when searching for his wallet in the bag he discovered it had disappeared! Blushing with embarrassment he apologised to the assistant. '' It's not your fault that you've been robbed,'' she said. At that moment Jack remembered the unpleasant guy from the bus. ''It must have been him,'' he said angrily to himself.

Looking as miserable as sin, he made his way back home. He had just passed the newsagent's when someone ran out of the shop and stopped him. He recognised the woman who had sold him the ticket in the morning. 'Isn't this yours?,” she asked, waving his wallet in front of his face. With his eyes wide open in disbelief, he breathed a sigh of relief.

liczba słów: ~258

piggy-bank - skarbonka
stylish - stylowy
pop in - wpaść z wizytą, wstąpić do
rush hour - godzina szczytu
squeeze in - wcisnąć (się)
spot - wypatrzeć, zauważyć
gift-wrap - zapakować na prezent
blush - rumienić się
disbelief - niedowierzanie

His face fell - mina mu zrzedła
look as miserable as sin - wyglądać jak siedem nieszczęść
breathe a sigh of relief - odetchnąć z ulgą

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