One of the most controversial television game shows is certainly The Weakest Link. It was originally produced in Great Britain, but due to the popularity it gained its licence has been sold to many countries throughout the world, including Poland.
In the show, a team of ten contestants in turn answer general knowledge questions asked by the host. A series of correct answers in each round increases the sum of money to be won by the contestant who gets through to the final round. The accumulated amount can be lost if an incorrect answer is given, unless the contestant who might be wrong says 'bank' in time before answering the question.
When a round comes to an end, it is time to eliminate the weakest participant – the weakest link. This part of the game arouses the most emotions, both among the viewers and the contestants. The host in the British version of the game – Ann Robinson – has become famous for her malicious remarks and interrogations which have often brought some contestants to tears.
It is impossible to say whether most viewers watch The Weakest Link for the fun of answering the questions or for Ann Robinson, who got a lot of positive feedback despite her sharp tongue. In Poland the show did not catch on, either because the host lacked Ann Robinson's charisma or because Polish viewers are not used to being verbally teased. I would definitely recommend it to those who do not mind a challenge.
contestant - zawodnik
host - gospodarz
accumulate - gromadzić
participant - uczestnik
malicious - złośliwy
interrogation - przesłuchanie
viewer - widz
tease - dokuczać, dręczyć
bring someone to tears - doprowadzić kogoś do łez
sharp tongue - ostry język
catch on - 'chwycić', zdobyć popularność