Present perfect z since i for – ćwiczenia z angielskiego

ćwiczenie nr
Twoja historia


Insert SINCE or FOR in the gaps.

Wstaw SINCE lub FOR w puste miejsca.

  1. My parents have been quarrelling ever they got married.

  2. We've had no food the war began.

  3. John hasn't eaten anything over twenty hours.

  4. The crisis has lasted six months.

  5. It has been very cloudy early morning.

  1. Ed had a bad fall last week and hasn't left the house .

  2. He has been living on his own he left school.

  3. Nobody has seen him last week.

  4. We've had terrible weather in London last month.

  5. The police have been looking for the girl's murderer four days.

Więcej ćwiczeń dla Present Perfect — for, since:
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Malpuk, chodzi o to, że od tego wydarzenia nie wychodził z domu.

Proszę o podpowiedź o co właściwie chodzi w tym zdaniu: "Ed had a bad fall last week and hasn't left the house for since".
