Ćwiczenia online - Słownictwo angielskie - poziom podstawowy A1

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Create sentences by choosing the correct pronouns.

  1. Do you know John? I don't like  .

  2. Sally gave   a lovely present yesterday.

  3. Steve is coming today and   room isn't ready.

  4. Hey, that's   bike! I didn't say you can use it.

  5. Can you give this CD to Tim when you see  ?

  1. This towel is  .

  2. I have to go and give Ted   laptop back.

  3. Tell Sandra that   dog is at our house.

  4. Melanie took my mp3 player by mistake. This one is  .

  5. Rodney phoned me yesterday.   is coming to see us tomorrow.

Więcej ćwiczeń dla Słownictwo angielskie - poziom podstawowy A1:
Create sentences by choosing the correct pronouns.
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