Ćwiczenia ze słownictwa angielskiego

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Correct the spellings to complete the sentences.

Ułóż z rozsypanek wyrazy, które uzupełnią zdania.

  1. It's astpa with a totamo sauce for lunch!

  2. I'd love to be a wretir and be able to stya at home all day.

  3. Pauline and John have itnived us to go for a walk with them this atfrenono .

  4. My copmutre is making a fnnuy noise.

  5. My wellat is eptmy again.

  1. I snet more than thirty ameils yesterday.

  2. I'm going to vome the soaf nearer to the window.

  3. I told the cheldrin to be queti during the film.

  4. Is this wodo for the rife ?

  5. It's my brathyid at the end of the onmth .

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Correct the spellings to complete the sentences.
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