Ćwiczenia leksykalne na poziomie A2

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Twoja historia


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Wybierz właściwe słowa do uzupełnienia zdań.

  1. Miranda was wearing a very   dress to work today.

  2. I'm sorry, there's nobody   to help you at the moment.

  3. Are my clothes   yet?

  4. This is an   washing machine.

  5. I need a   more time to finish the cleaning before we go out.

  1. Do you have any   for the bus tickets?

  2. I hope I don't   any of my exams.

  3. My wife never wears  .

  4. My girlfriend's   is coming to visit her next week.

  5. We can   the street at the traffic lights over there.

Więcej ćwiczeń dla Słownictwo angielskie - poziom podstawowy A2:
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Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
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