Ćwiczenia leksykalne na poziomie A2

ćwiczenie nr
Twoja historia


Choose the words from the list to complete the sentences.

Wybierz słowo z listy do uzupełnienia zdania. Użyj każdego słowa tylko raz.

lista słów do wyboru:
windy machine another holiday monthly worried advanced toothbrush fashion brush
  1. My teacher says I'm ready to study at level.

  2. I see you've finished your beer. I'll get you .

  3. Be careful with that ! It's old, so I have to show you how to use it.

  4. My visits to the hairdresser's cost me a lot of money. I must start going less often.

  5. Talk to the boss if you're about anything that happens in the office.

  1. I heard that it's going to be really tomorrow and on Sunday.

  2. The dentist told me I have to use a softer .

  3. I don't buy clothes just because they're in .

  4. your hair before you go out. You look like something the cat brought in.

  5. It's time you had a long away from this boring town.

Więcej ćwiczeń dla Słownictwo angielskie - poziom podstawowy A2:
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Choose the words from the list to complete the sentences.
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