czesc dziewczyny
ja szukalam dwa razy rodziny, tzn. moja pierwsza, u ktorej teraz pracuje znalazlam po 2 tyg szukania. Dostalam od nich list na drugi dzien po zalogowaniu sie na aupair web
teraz szukam drugiej, bo wygasa mi kontrakt i od poniedzialku mialam juz ok 10 ofert i dwa telefony z agencji, ktore chca mi pomoc.
co myslicie o takiej oferci (skopiowalam z web aupair) :
Family Details
Registration Id: 64[tel]
Family Name: Drysdale
Location and Services
Town London
Country United Kingdom
Location type: London
Nearest trains: 5 mins walk
Nearest buses: 5 mins walk
Nearest underground: 10 mins walk
Nearest shops: 5 mins walk
English classes: 15 mins walk
Family Details
Marital Status: Married
Applicant's Name: Mary Drysdale
Applicant's Age: 39
Partner's Name: Malcolm Drysdale
Partner's Age: 41
Other languages spoken: German, French
Importance of Religion: Not important
Smoking household: No
Name: Calum
Age: 07 years
Name: Ben
Age: 05 years
Name: Alexander
Age: 02 years
Name: Iona
Age: 05 months
Pets: No
About the family We are a large, fun-loving family with a nice spacious house in Putney, right on the common. We used to live in Germany and the three boys were born there. We still have a lot of contacts with our former home and go back to visit or receive visitors from there. The older two boys still speak/understand a certain amount of German. The boys are energetic and fun, they love football and being outside when they are not at school. They read a lot and enjoy riding their bikes and bouncing on the trampoline in the garden.
Au Pair Requirements
Au Pair Type: Au Pair Plus
Salary: 100
Duration: 12 months
Timetable: 7.30 - 8.30am Monday - Friday 2 - 7.30pm Monday - Friday Otherwise, occasional mornings by arrangement and 2 evenings babysitting a week (not usually Saturday evenings)
Duties: Helping clear away breakfast, make packed lunches and help me get the children ready for school. Playing with the children, collecting from school or from the school bus, preparing simple evening meal for the children, helping get the children bathed and into bed.
Start Date: 22/08/2006
Preferred au pair age: 20
Preferred sex: Female
Accept smoker: No
Curfew: Flex
Driver Needed: No
Car Available: Yes
English level: Fair
The House
Number of Bedrooms: 6
Appliances: Washing machine, dish washer, tumble drier, computer, TV, DVD, video, stereo, etc.
Others in House: None
Other Informaton
Applicant's Profession: English teacher
Applicant's Religion: Anglican
Applicant's Nationality: British
Applicant's Ethnicity: White
Partner's Profession: Accountant
Partner's Religion: Anglican
Partner's Nationality: British
Partner's Ethnicity: White
Contribute to
Language Classes: No
Will collect on arrival: Yes
Station details: London Heathrow or London Gatwick
zalezy mi na 100£ tygodniowo, bo odkladam pieniadze na studia w Anglii i moge pracowac ok. 8h dziennie, ale tu jest 4 dzieci i ...
odezwali sie do mnie i chca sie spotkac w poniedzialek. Co sadzicie? Ja jestem aupair dopiero miesiac i mam 2 chlopcow, ale daja w kosc ostatnio, a tu az 4!!!!!
ktoras z Was ma taka gromadke?
piscie i radzcie :)
dzieki:) :)