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Brak wkładu własnego

Wpis zamieszczony (lub przeniesiony) do grupy "Brak wkładu własnego" oznacza, że autor wpisu nie zadał sobie trudu samemu spróbować poradzić sobie z zadaniem lub prośba o tłumaczenie została przepuszczona przez Google Translator. Jeśli ktoś z użytkowników forum ma czas i ochotę może odpisać na taki wpis ale jeśli takiej odpowiedzi nie będzie - nie ma co się denerwować - po prostu nikomu nie chce się odrabiać zadań za kogoś ;-)

Dlatego zachęcamy do własnych prób - szansa na odpowiedź jest znacznie większa.

Ja siedzę na kolanie mojej mamie. W tle widać jezioro. Jestem ubrana w zielono - białe ubranie. Moja mama ma czerwoną bluzkę i krótkie spodenki.
I am sitting on my mum's lap. There is a lake in the background. I'm in a green-white outfit. My mum is wearing a red blouse and shorts.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 16 lis 2010
Rozumiem, że lubisz tak zrobić coś przeciwko komuś.

Cytat: mg
Rozumiem, że lubisz tak zrobić coś przeciwko komuś.

w moim przypadku to jechales z grubej rury, ze sie popisuje, a tu tak delikatnie. cos sie zmienilo w twoim stosunku do takich zachowan?
and harassment continues....
oj przestan fui - takie gierki slowne sa tutaj na porzadku dziennym
Engee: fuj to delikatnie?
Gentlemen, you need to get together, have a few drinks, throw a couple of punches, and then kiss and make up. Siunia and I do it regularly and it does wonders for our relationship.
I think I need to set the record straight.
I have NEVER laid a hand on eva anger
Seriously though, what's up with the two of you?
Full moon or something?
The sniping is getting old. Move on.
>>>I have NEVER laid a hand on eva ...

No, no, no. It's too late, my dear. It only fueled my suspicions. :)

As I remember it correctly, Eva mentioned something in passing about ..let me think ..that she's considering going 'Dutch', you know what I mean :) Hope she doesn't 'fail to keep her promise'. Then again now YOU , dear ..haha . But just for you to know, I woudn't find it difficult to cultivate our friendship , which is unconditional of course, if you chose the same path.
Whatever works, whatever works, girls :) No more dipsticks on our lipsticks , as they say.

Said with tongue in cheek ok ? :))

I see you recognize an invitation when you see one.
Always the consumate gentleman, I see.
Wiem, ze moge na Ciebie polegac jak na Zawiszy
Can't linger I'm afraid.
The house is quiet and I'm trying to write.

Napisze za pare dni.
I'm waiting for your personal memoirs :)
Block your left hemisphere, remeber ?

Keep tight and don't sleep at night when you write
Godd luck dear :)
Cytat: savagerhino
As I remember it correctly, Eva mentioned something in passing about ..let me think ..that she's considering going 'Dutch', you know what I mean :) Hope she doesn't 'fail to keep her promise'.

Do I have a choice? It's either that or I'm going to cry:

Manthropology: The Science of Why the Modern Male Is Not the Man He Used to Be

Manthropology is the first of its kind. Spanning continents and centuries, it is an in-depth look into the history and science of manliness. From speed and strength, to beauty and sex appeal, to bravado and wit, it examines how man today compares to his masculine ancestors.

Peter McAllister set out to rebut the claim that man today is suffering from feminization and emasculation. He planned to use his skills as a paleoanthropologist and journalist to write a book demonstrating unequivocally that man today is a triumph---the result of a hard-fought evolutionary struggle toward greatness.

As you will see, he failed. In nearly every category of manliness, modern man turned out to be not just matched, but bested, by his ancestors. Stung, McAllister embarked on a new mission. If his book couldn’t be a testament to modern male achievement, he decided, it would be a record of his failures.

Much as I dislike it ( that claim :), I should admit (though again reluctantly) that there may be a kernel of truth in that. Taking one step further, I would risk saying that we might soon become the grim witnesses to an increasingly recurring line heard somewhere in HR office “.. and the last question… We would like to know if you still wish to identify with the gender on your birth certificate. “ :)

Not that I’m specifically biased against three-letter man, as long as I don’t cross their paths.
As for women in general, they can all turn into the “dishy finger-artists” overnight, for all I care.
Even better. But except for my lovely significant other, of course :)
The hell I say ! She would most probably kill me in this very second if she read this. Ignorance is blissful, I’d better off leave it as it is. :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Brak wkładu własnego


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