village or city

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Brak wkładu własnego

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Proszę o sprawdzenie wypowiedzi na temat:
Would you prefer to live in a village or in a city?

It is a tough question because it depends on your character. But as for me I would prefer to live in a city rather than in a village. In a city you have better prospects of jobs, you live close to many important institutions. You usually don't need to travel for kilometres to get to the doctor or chemist's. But living in a city also has a number of disadvantages. Cars and big chimneys give off a lot of fumes that pollute the atmosphere you live in and the air you breath with. There are cars riding all around the city which create noise and deteriorate the inhabitants' health. There is definitely less green in cities and parks for walks.
If I was a city planner I would definitely create more greenery and reduce the traffic. I would also transfer big factories and prisons on the outskirts of the city because they spoil the city's look.
edytowany przez calf: 31 paź 2011
You usually don't need to travel for kilometres to get to the doctor or (brak przedimka) chemist's. Cars and big chimneys give off a lot of fumes that pollute the atmosphere you live in and the air you 'breath' (tutaj potrzebujesz czasownika, a masz rzeczownik) 'with' (niepotr).
There is definitely less 'green' (ale nie dokonczyles slowa- masz na mysli 'green spaces') in cities and parks for walks.
I would also transfer big factories and prisons 'on' TO the outskirts of the city because they spoil the city's look.


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