What your marriage should be like. - prośba o sprawdzenie

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Write a composition on what a good marriage should be like.

People should always try to establish friendly relations with each others – irrespective of the type of their relation. The marriage requires sacrifice from both partners. I think that both partners are required to make sacrifices to keep good relationship. They should keep in touch with each other so that they can share their problems and beautiful moments. Living separately is unacceptable.

The couple should not let in-laws interfere in their intimate matters and life – as it might bring disaster. And the other way round, in-laws should not interfere with their children’s lives. The marriage does obligate to respect each other and no third-party shall interfere.

The marriage can bring out the best in people, but there is an essential condition – which should be met. They should live in accordance with God's rules. They should trust each other and base their partnership on God’s rules – these rules will hold them together. Couples who live with rules based on hypocrisy fall apart as there is no deep bond between them. Both partners are required to make sacrifices in the favour of being together. There are always some differences, but these should be smoothed out by mutual love.

To sum up, trust, patience and mutual understanding are the top ideas to keep the marriage together.

Thanks IN adVANce
Zaraz, pytanie w TEMACIE WĄTKU powinno przeciez brzieć: What should a good marriage be like?
edytowany przez calf: 13 wrz 2012