house surrounding landscape

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Brak wkładu własnego

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Z góry bardzo dziekuje (praca potrzebna na jutro)

The house of my dreams
I want to live in a small house located about few kilometers from a big city, in a quite place, by the lake. I love fresh air and unpolluted water so this place is perfect for me. I want to live in a peaceful and calm area. The surrounding landscape would be breathtaking. All walls at my house will be painted in pastels colors. Windows will be big. I don't need a lot of rooms. I need only one bedroom, a living room a guest room, bathroom and of course kitchen. In my living room there wOe TV and large couch, so I could chill-out with my friends. It will be a place where we can meet in the evening and we could spend some time together. A bedroom must be cosy. There are a big, comfortable bed and many modern things. The kitchen is rather big. There are all modern equipments such as huge fridge, microwave, dishwasher etc. The living room should be huge and decorated in the traditional way.There I can relax, watch TV, listen to music read a book from my small library or just sit and look at the fire in my fireplace. There would be other equipment like DVD or Video as well. However , my bathroom is my own beauty parlour. There are sauna, a little jacuzzi and a big shower. I would like to have also a huge garden next to my house. I would plant there many various flowers. That's all about my dream house.
dreamlike ! i wish i could have lived for ever around such a beauty surroundings
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 14 lis 2012
chyba to juz bylo poprawione.
no i dalej nie wiem jak mozna posiadac .... 'etc' w zdaniu z kuchnia...Nie wiem co to jest ta 'etc?????.


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