career vs personal life

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Co myślicie o moim speech'u nt. Which is more important - career or personal life?
Czy są jakieś błędy?

I think that career is always important as you can develop your knowledge, interests and achieve your goals that you have arranged or maybe dreamed of. The career is important in every person's live.

On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine to achieve success in your career without well ordered personal life. Personal life is the bases for the future career, so you should take care of your personal life as well.

Only when you can reconcile your career with personal life you can succeed in both of them. If your career declines it might be difficult to organize your personal life and get pleasure form your life in general. Failure in personal life will certainly affect your career goals.

Many people give up their personal lives to increase their chances in the job market. They may achieve what they have wanted in their working lives, but it is always at the cost of their families and especially children. In this way they neglect their children and their upbringing. What is worse it might be to late before they realize how lost they have been.

edytowany przez calf: 29 gru 2012
>>>>Czy są jakieś błędy?

...a gdzie sa przedimki? Szykuja sie na zabawe?

I think that (przedimek) career is always important as you can develop your knowledge, interests and achieve 'your' (tutaj dalabym 'the') goals that you have arranged or maybe dreamed of. 'The' (zly przedimek) career is important in every person's 'live' (tutaj rzeczownik a nie czasownik).

On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine 'to achieve' (zle) success in your career without well ordered personal life. Personal life is the 'bases' (l. poj) for 'the' (zly przedimek) future career, so you should take care of your personal life as well.

Only when you can reconcile your career with (przedimek) personal life you can succeed in both of them.

They may achieve what they 'have' (niepotr) wanted in their working lives, but it is always at the cost of their families and especially children. 'In this way' (cos tu nie tak, uzyj innych slow) they neglect their children and their upbringing. What is worse it might be 'to' (ortog) late before they realize 'how lost they have been' (tego nie rozumiem).
Dzięki, mogę jeszcze poprawić?

I think that the career[daję 'the' bo chodzi mi o karierę wogóle] is always important as you can develop your knowledge, interests and achieve your goals that you have arranged or maybe dreamed of. The career[znowu chodzi mi o karierę wogóle dlatego daję 'the' a nie 'a'] is important in every person's life.

On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine success[jako rzeczownik, ogólnie 'sukces'] in your career without well ordered personal life. Personal life is the basis for the[dlaczego zły przedimek - 'for a future career' to nawet źle brzmi :-/] future career, so you should take care of your personal life as well.

Only when you can reconcile your career with personal life you can succeed in both of them. If your career declines it might be difficult to organize your [przed 'personal life' przecież nie ma być przedimka, tak samo jak przed 'life' - rzeczownik niepoliczalny]personal life and get pleasure form your life in general. Failure in personal life will certainly affect your career goals.

Many people give up their personal lives to increase their chances in the job market. They may achieve what they have[jak to nie potrzenie? Mogą osiągnąć co chcieli/chcą - łącze przeszłość z terazniejszością] wanted in their working lives, but it is always at the cost of their families and especially children. In this way[dlaczego 'in this way' ma być źle? - In this way... - czyli 'w ten sposób oni zaniedbują...] they neglect their children and their upbringing. What is worse it might be too late before they realize how lost they have been. [--> Co gorsza może być za późno zanim się zorientują jak byli zagubieni]
edytowany przez calf: 29 gru 2012
I think that the career[daję 'the' bo chodzi mi o karierę wogóle]
I think that 'the' (TO JEST ZLE) career is always important as you can develop your knowledge, interests and achieve your goals that you have arranged or maybe dreamed of. 'The' (TO JEST ZLE) career is important in every person's life.

On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine success in your career without well ordered personal life. Personal life is the basis for 'the' TO JEST ZLE [dlaczego zły przedimek - 'for a future career' to nawet źle brzmi :-/...moze dla Ciebie, ale ma tak byc) future career, so you should take care of your personal life as well.

If your career declines it might be difficult to organize your personal life and get pleasure form your life in general.

They may achieve what they have[jak to nie potrzenie? Mogą osiągnąć co chcieli/chcą - łącze przeszłość z terazniejszością....] wanted in their working lives, but it is always at the cost of their families and especially children. In this way[dlaczego 'in this way' ma być źle? - In this way... - czyli 'w ten sposób oni zaniedbują...NIE ROZUMIESZ CO PISZESZ...tutaj ma byc 'Dlatego.....] they neglect their children and their upbringing. What is worse it might be too late before they realize how 'lost' (to jest calkowicie zle slowo) they have been.

Dalej z przedimkami masz problemy, nie rozumiesz kiedy dajemy 'the' a kiedy 'a'.
Myslisz dalej po polsku, ale przeciez w ang. jest wszystko inaczej...


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