
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Brak wkładu własnego

Wpis zamieszczony (lub przeniesiony) do grupy "Brak wkładu własnego" oznacza, że autor wpisu nie zadał sobie trudu samemu spróbować poradzić sobie z zadaniem lub prośba o tłumaczenie została przepuszczona przez Google Translator. Jeśli ktoś z użytkowników forum ma czas i ochotę może odpisać na taki wpis ale jeśli takiej odpowiedzi nie będzie - nie ma co się denerwować - po prostu nikomu nie chce się odrabiać zadań za kogoś ;-)

Dlatego zachęcamy do własnych prób - szansa na odpowiedź jest znacznie większa.

Trochę zrobiłem sam, nie rozumiem kilku. Proszę o sprawdzenie napisanych przeze mnie zdań i pomoc w tych, których nie zrozumiałem
It's believed that the criminal has fled the country
The criminal is believed to have fled the country

It's time for you to leave for the airport
Its time you left for the airport

She described her new flat to us
She told us what her new flat was like

He inherited a lot of money when his grandfather died
He came down money when his grandfather died

The diamond necklace in far more expensive that the pearl one
The pearl necklace is not far expensive than the diamond one

You can stay with me for a few days
I can put you to me for a few days

Thomason still hasnt put his signature on this bill
This bill still has needs a signature by Thomason

Tigers are becoming extinct at an alarming rate
Tigers are going to dying at an alarming rate

After weeks of uncertainty he finally made his decision
*been* After having ................. weeks, he finnaly made his decision
She's friendly to her students
*way* She........... to her students
He was about to start the car when someone called him
*point* He was ...................... the car when someone called him
They decided to postphone the meeting
*put* They.............. the meeting
I advise you not to go out in his hailstorm
*better* You....... out in this hailstorm
It wasnt necessary for her to cook such an enormous meal
*neednt She.......... such an enormous meal

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