speech - 3 questions

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Brak wkładu własnego

Wpis zamieszczony (lub przeniesiony) do grupy "Brak wkładu własnego" oznacza, że autor wpisu nie zadał sobie trudu samemu spróbować poradzić sobie z zadaniem lub prośba o tłumaczenie została przepuszczona przez Google Translator. Jeśli ktoś z użytkowników forum ma czas i ochotę może odpisać na taki wpis ale jeśli takiej odpowiedzi nie będzie - nie ma co się denerwować - po prostu nikomu nie chce się odrabiać zadań za kogoś ;-)

Dlatego zachęcamy do własnych prób - szansa na odpowiedź jest znacznie większa.

1. What kind of crime do you find the most dangerous and why?
I think that all crimes are dangerous and societies should aspire to prevent them. If I am to say which one is the most dangerous, I will say that lack of respect for other people. The lack of respect for other people is the reason why a murder or a mass murder commits their crime. Concentration camps, hatred of other nations – the basis of these wrongdoings lays on the lack of respect for other people.

When people live without god, they are exposed to hatred, lack of respect for other people. For some people money is god. And to get it, they are ready to do anything.

2. What do you think about cheating in exams?
Cheating is always wrong and you shouldn’t do it. You should prepare for you exam and test good enough so that you don’t need to cheat.

Students cheat because they don’t learn regularly. And it’s impossible to assimilate the material in one or few days. A habit of studying regularly should solve all cheating problems.

3. Which politician do you admire in particular and why?
There is no such a politician. I don’t admire any. I think that most politicians are cheaters – they don’t say what they really think, but say what voters want to hear.

Perhaps, if I was involved in politics, I would admire a politician that corresponds to my views.
1.If I am to say which one is the most dangerous, I will say 'that' (tutaj jest zle, trzeba...that it is the) lack of respect for other people. The lack of respect for other people is the reason why a murderER or a mass murderER commits 'their' (dobrze, ale ja bym tu dale 'his') crime. Concentration camps, hatred of other nations – the basis of these wrongdoings 'lays' (nie, are due to/can be laid at lack of respect) on the lack of respect for other people.
When people live without 'god' (napisz to inaczej...a belief in Higher Power, bo w innych krajach maja wiecej jak jednego), they are exposed to hatred, lack of respect for other people.

2.You should prepare for youR exam and test 'good' WELL enough so that you don’t need to cheat.
Students cheat because they don’t 'learn' (daj study) regularly'. And' (zrob to jednym zdaniem) it’s impossible to assimilate the material in one or (brak przedimka) few days.

3.There is no such a politician WHOM I ADMIRE.

Bardzo dobre.
dzięki, szkoda, że tu odpowiedziałas, bo tam wprowadziłem jeszcze poprawki (wyszły dwa posty bo były lagi na serwerze)

1. ale co jest nie tak w zdaniu: If I am to say which one is the most dangerous, I will say that lack of respect for other people. - czyli: Jeśli mam powiedzieć które przestępstwa są najgroźniejsze, to powiem, że brak szacunku dla innych ludzi. Tak zdanie jest niepełne?

2. zastanawiam się jeszcze jak lepiej powiedzieć zdanie: podstawa dla tych złych czynów leży w braku szacunku dla innych. . Myślę że np.
I. the lack of respect for others underlies the wrongdoings. (this one looks better for me)
II. the reason for wrongdoings lies in the lack of respect for others

3. Mi chodziło o boga chrześcijańskiego :)

4. ale przecież I don't admire any znaczy tyle, co: żadnego nie podziwiam więc wygląda na OK (?)

edytowany przez calf: 08 cze 2013
1.If I am to say which one is the most dangerous, I will say that IT IS THE lack of respect for other people
I. the lack of respect for others underlies the wrongdoings. (this one looks better for me)
II. the reason for wrongdoings lies in the lack of respect for others
a moze:
III. the basis for all wrongdoing lies in the lack of respect for other people

4. I don't admire any - to zdanie jest ok, ale to poprzednie .... There is no such a politician....wyglada tak jakby potrzebowalo konca, mozesz tez ...There is no such politican that I admire, as I don't admire any.