'It is a work station
flower girl .' (tego to nawet nie rozumiem, nie wiem co mialam na mysli, ale mozna.
It is the work station of the florist, albo it is the florist's work station.
'There is a table to the left.The table is a big and wide' (te 2 zdania mozna polaczyc i napisac...There is a big and wide table to the left).
There 'is' (ale 'shelveS to l. mnoga - trzeba czasownik l. mnogiej) shelves to the right.
The walls in the flower shop 'are big and turquoise' (cos to mi nie pasuje) .
The flower shop is big and bright.
There is a 'big' (nie lepiej uzyj innego slowa, np. 'tall') and wide mirror and a display case in the middle of the florist shop.
The display case is 'color violet' (nie, to jest zle, tu ma byc ...violet in colour).
'The shelf with flower below under to mirror' (tego zdania nie rozumiem)
There are some flowers in a vase in front of and next to (a gdzie jest przedimek?) shelf with (przedimek) flower. The walls in the 'shop flower' (co to jest? ) 'a' (zle slowo) 'big' (poszukaj inne slowa, bo uzywasz tego 'big' bardzo czesto) and turquoise and violet.
The shelf with flower below under to mirror Dobrze jest to zdanie ?? Nie, nie jest dobre, ale nie rozumiem co to ma byc.