Tak jak w temacie bardzo proszę jeżeli ktoś zna odpowiedź na którekolwiek z pytań
byłbym bardzo wdzięczny. Tak jak widać są to pytania z literatury i kultury więc
jeśli ktoś jest obeznany i pomoże to było by wspaniale ;)
Za odpowiedzi typu sam se poszukaj podziękuje.
Dziękuje i pozdrawiam :)
1. To what extent does the Puritan doctrine of predestination, as highlighted in J. Edwards’s „Sinners in the
Hands of an Angry God”, refer to the contemporary American experience?
2. To what extent could you agree that the „homespun” quality of A. Bradstreet’s selected poems is a vital
source of contemporary American poetry?
3. To what extent can you consider B. Franklin’s concepts of progress „from rags to riches” and of „self-made
man” as the timeless foundations of American culture?
4. How can you comment on the affinities between main ideas of American Enlightenment, as highlighted in
Th. Jefferson’s „Declaration of Independence or in B. Franklin’s „Autobiography”, and the economic and
sociopolitical changes in the post-communist countries in Europe?
5. What are the reasons to consider Edgar Allan Poe as a model representative of Romantic decadence –
and, simultaneously, as the announcer of the pathologies and anxieties of the 20th century?
6. What are the main ideas of American transcendentalism, as presented in R. W. Emerson’s „Nature and
„Self-Reliance”, and what practical applications of these ideas in American reality until the contemporary
times can you distinguish?
7. What are the reasons to see H. D. Thoreau as the forefather of the civil rights movement and its leaders,
such as Martin Luther King?
8. How can you prove that M. Twain’s „Huck Finn” may be legitimately considered as an initial – utopian? -
project for the America of black-and-white harmony?
9. How can you discuss Stephen Crane’s version of naturalism as a prefiguration of existential fears of a
20th/21st century man?
10. To what extent could you agree that Walt Whitmans’s free verse is a metonymy for American Dream?
11. What are the resons to see E. Dickinson’s poetry as a set of sceptical notes on the margin of American
12. What are the aspects of the decline of American Dream in the 20th century, as presented in the works
by F. Scott Fitzgerald, J. Steinbeck or A. Miller?
13. What is E. Hemingway’s classic perspective upon the American „Lost Generation” and how does it relate
to the latter’s possible contemporary parallel suggested by Nick McDonnell?
14. How can you prove that social indifference has been a major problem of the urban America since the
mid-20th century, taking into account the poetry of W. C. Williams, E. F. Albee’ s play „The Zoo Story” or J.
Głowacki’s drama „Antygona Nowym Jorku”?
15. How can you explain the background and discuss the symptoms of Polish-Jewish emigre’s uneasy
rapport with American reality, as exemplifed by Eva Hoffman’s „Lost in Translation”?
16. How can the specific nature of Latino-American version of American Dream, in the stories by S. Cisneros
or O. Hijuelos, or in L. Bernstein and R. Sondheim’s musical „West Side Story”, be explained?
17. What are the identity problems of African-Americans and attempts at solving them: from R. W. Ellison’s
selected works of fiction to James Brown’s life as captured in his biography by James Mc Bride, or even
careers of rap performers, such as Kanye West?
18. To what extent may the Hippie counterculture of the 1960s be regarded as a failed posttranscendentalist
attempt at American Paradise Regained?