
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Brak wkładu własnego

Wpis zamieszczony (lub przeniesiony) do grupy "Brak wkładu własnego" oznacza, że autor wpisu nie zadał sobie trudu samemu spróbować poradzić sobie z zadaniem lub prośba o tłumaczenie została przepuszczona przez Google Translator. Jeśli ktoś z użytkowników forum ma czas i ochotę może odpisać na taki wpis ale jeśli takiej odpowiedzi nie będzie - nie ma co się denerwować - po prostu nikomu nie chce się odrabiać zadań za kogoś ;-)

Dlatego zachęcamy do własnych prób - szansa na odpowiedź jest znacznie większa.

1-30 z 31
poprzednia |
Write a relative pronoun in each gap
Further down the street, a mime artist, (1)............ was dressed in white from head to toe, was standing completely still (2)........... was quite impressieve to watch. Two girls teasing him about the red flower (3)............ he had in his hand. Suddenly he moved (4) ...... made everybody roar with laughter. He offered the flower to one of the two girls (5) ............ had turned as red as the flowe in his hand.
>Write a relative pronoun in each gap

No i gdzie wpisałeś te relative pronouns? Jak ktoś to za ciebie zrobi, to się nigdy nie nauczysz.

Masz tam wpisać who, whom, which

who odnosi się do osób, which do rzeczy/zwierząt.
1. who was dressed... - ktory byl ubrany...
2. which was... - co bylo (o ile po wyrazie 'still' znajduje sie przecinek w oryginalnej wersji tego fragmentu)
3. which he had... - ktorego mial...
4. which made... - co sprawilo, ze... (tam tez powinien byc przecinek, tym razem po wyrazie 'moved')
5. who had turned... - ktora zrobila sie...
Dobra engee, wszyscy już wiedzą, że znasz angielski więc możesz przestać się chwalić. Zamiast tego zrób coś pożytecznego ze swoją wiedzą, a nie ucz młodzież, że oszukiwanie jest w porządku.
>>>Dobra engee, wszyscy już wiedzą, że znasz angielski

oj chyba nie, bo cos malo tego typu zadan na tym forum ;~|
Engee, if u r in need to learn (and be amused), look under "Wish" - we got collectively reprimanded for our lack of knowledge of the subjunctive. It's hilarious!!
To sobie kup książkę z ćwiczeniami albo znajdź ćwiczenia w Internecie i rozwiązuj sobie ile dusza zapragnie. Problem tylko w tym, że wtedy widowni nie będzie, prawda?
Ewo, przepraszam że tak off-topic, ale na forum nie ma czegoś takiego jak Private Message a zależy mi na takim ćwiczonku, które kiedyś wkleiłaś. Chodzi o ćwiczenie na przecinki, gdzie trzeba było wstawić 20 przecinków. Pamiętasz może w jakim dziale to pisałaś, albo cokolwiek co pomogłoby mi je odnaleźć ? Chciałem sprawdzić sie teraz, kiedy już jestem w tym obcykany :)

>>>Problem tylko w tym, że wtedy
>widowni nie będzie, prawda?

What on earth has the audiance got to do with my command of English?
aaa, dzięki na początku nie pomyślałem, że po kliknięciu na nazwę użytkownika można zobaczyć założone przez niego/nią tematy :-(

Biorę się do roboty i wklejam do sprawdzenia.

Insert the 20 commas that are missing in the following paragraph.

As long as you are prepared and confident, you'll find that an employment interview need not be a terrifying experience. Some people, believe it or not, actually enjoy employment interviews and attend them with enthusiasm. Most of us, however, are intimidated by the prospect of being interrogated by an interviewer, or even worse a team of interviewers.

6 sztuk

To prepare for an interview, the first thing you should do is to find out as much as you can about the company. Among the things you need to know are the title of the job you are applying for, approximately how much it pays, the name of the person or persons who will conduct the interview, the address of the company, how long it will take you to get there and the location of the washrooms.

5 sztuk

Employment consultants usually recommend that you make an advance visit to the office of the firm to which you've applied in order to confirm how long it takes to get there, and where the interview room is. While on your scouting mission, you can learn valuable information about the company's working conditions, employee attitudes, and even dress code.

4 sztuki

On the day of the interview, be sure to show up ten or fifteen minutes in advance of your scheduled appointment. When the interviewer greets you, you should do three things: memorize his or her name, identify yourself and extend your hand. Your handshake should be brief and firm, not limpy ,passive or bone-crushingly aggressive. Practise! Now all you have to do is relax and enjoy the interview.

5 sztuk

RAZEM : 20
P.S : nie czytałem wyjaśnień, który były z tym ćwiczeniem, ale wstawiałem przecinasy tak jak ja się (nie) nauczyłem. W zależności od ilości błędów przeczytam.
widze błędy, nie sprawdzajcie :)) na warsztat znów daje.

Insert the 20 commas that are missing in the following paragraph.

As long as you are prepared and confident, you'll find that an employment interview need not be a terrifying experience. Some people, believe it or not, actually enjoy employment interviews and attend them with enthusiasm. Most of us, however, are intimidated by the prospect of being interrogated by an interviewer or, even worse, a team of interviewers.

7 sztuk

To prepare for an interview, the first thing you should do is to find out as much as you can about the company. Among the things you need to know are the title of the job you are applying for, approximately how much it pays, the name of the person or persons who will conduct the interview, the address of the company, how long it will take you to get there and the location of the washrooms.

5 sztuk

Employment consultants usually recommend that you make an advance visit to the office of the firm to which you've applied in order to confirm how long it takes to get there, and where the interview room is. While on your scouting mission, you can learn valuable information about the company's working conditions, employee attitudes and even dress code.

3 sztuki

On the day of the interview, be sure to show up ten or fifteen minutes in advance of your scheduled appointment. When the interviewer greets you, you should do three things: memorize his or her name, identify yourself and extend your hand. Your handshake should be brief and firm, not limpy ,passive or bone-crushingly aggressive. Practise! Now all you have to do is relax and enjoy the interview.

5 sztuk

RAZEM : 20

ehh, wiem, że znów są błędy :-(
Final version :


Insert the 20 commas that are missing in the following paragraph.

As long as you are prepared and confident, you'll find that an employment interview need not be a terrifying experience. Some people, believe it or not, actually enjoy employment interviews and attend them with enthusiasm. Most of us, however, are intimidated by the prospect of being interrogated by an interviewer or, even worse, a team of interviewers.

7 sztuk

To prepare for an interview, the first thing you should do is to find out as much as you can about the company. Among the things you need to know are the title of the job you are applying for, approximately how much it pays, the name of the person or persons who will conduct the interview, the address of the company, how long it will take you to get there, and the location of the washrooms.

6 sztuk

Employment consultants usually recommend that you make an advance visit to the office of the firm to which you've applied in order to confirm how long it takes to get there and where the interview room is. While on your scouting mission, you can learn valuable information about the company's working conditions, employee attitudes, and even dress code.

3 sztuki

On the day of the interview, be sure to show up ten or fifteen minutes in advance of your scheduled appointment. When the interviewer greets you, you should do three things: memorize his or her name, identify yourself, and extend your hand. Your handshake should be brief and firm, not limpy ,passive or bone-crushingly aggressive. Practise! Now all you have to do is relax and enjoy the interview.

5 sztuk

RAZEM : 21

Ok, I give up. I think that there is one unnecessary comma in the last paragraph, but I'm not sure which one. Good night.
On the day of the interview....identify yourself, (generalnie nie wstawiamy przecinka przed 'and') and extend your hand.
>1. Use commas to separate three or more items in a series. The items may be >expressed as words, phrases, or clauses.

>The wedding was delayed an hour because the groom was hung-over, the best man had >forgotten the ring, and the bride was in tears.

Doesn't this rule apply here?

Insert the 20 commas that are missing in the following paragraph.

As long as you are prepared and confident,(ok) you'll find that an employment interview need not be a terrifying experience. Some people,(ok) believe it or not,(ok) actually enjoy employment interviews and attend them with enthusiasm. Most of us,(ok) however,(ok) are intimidated by the prospect of being interrogated by an interviewer,(ok) or even worse, a team of interviewers.

6 sztuk, nie ma byc 7

To prepare for an interview,(ok) the first thing you should do is to find out as much as you can about the company. Among the things you need to know are the title of the job you are applying for,(ok) approximately how much it pays,(ok) the name of the person or persons who will conduct the interview,(ok) the address of the company,(ok) how long it will take you to get there and the location of the washrooms.

5 sztuk, OK

Employment consultants usually recommend that you make an advance visit to the office of the firm to which you've applied in order to confirm how long it takes to get there (no) and where the interview room is. While on your scouting mission,(ok) you can learn valuable information about the company's working conditions,(ok) employee attitudes,(ok) and even dress code.

4 sztuki, nie ma byc 3

On the day of the interview,(ok) be sure to show up ten or fifteen minutes in advance of your scheduled appointment. When the interviewer greets you,(ok) you should do three things: memorize his or her name,(ok) identify yourself and extend your hand. Your handshake should be brief and firm,(ok) not limpy, (ok)passive or bone-crushingly aggressive. Practise! Now all you have to do is relax and enjoy the interview.

5 sztuk, OK

RAZEM : 20

teraz jest 100% OK
But, according to the rule I quoted above, there should be 22 commas !:/

^ are the commas ok here ? ( it's giving me a headache )
>But, according to the rule I quoted above, there should be 22 commas
>^ are the commas ok here ? ( it's giving me a headache )

wlasnie podaje ci tabletke na usmierzenie twego boulu:

sa OK, ale zbedne, i tak naprawde nic nie wnosza do podanych zdan; pamietaj, ze w niektorych przypadkach ktos chce ci przekazac info, ze w tym miejscu, gdzie wstawil 'comma' nastapila, badz w jego zamiarach, powinna nastapic jakas przerwa w wypowiedzi; i tylko tym moge ci to wytlumaczyc, ze jest to 'unnecessary'
a tutaj mozliwe jest jescze wiecej opcji

>>> an interviewer,(ok) or even worse, a team of interviewers. an interviewer or, even worse, a team of interviewers. an interviewer, or, even worse, a team of interviewers.
>>1. Use commas to separate three or more items in a series. The
>items may be >expressed as words, phrases, or clauses.
>>The wedding was delayed an hour because the groom was hung-over,
>the best man had >forgotten the ring, and the bride was in tears.
>Doesn't this rule apply here?

The comma before "and" and "or" in a series of three or more items is optional, however, more and more people tend to use it because if you don't, it may sometimes create misunderstandings. It all depends on a sentence. I tell my students to use it.
>>>1. Use commas to separate three or more items in a series.
>>items may be >expressed as words, phrases, or clauses.
>>>The wedding was delayed an hour because the groom was
>>the best man had >forgotten the ring, and the bride was in
>>Doesn't this rule apply here?
>The comma before "and" and "or" in a series of three or more items is
>optional, however, more and more people tend to use it because if you
>don't, it may sometimes create misunderstandings. It all depends on a
>sentence. I tell my students to use it.

Ewo, wybacz, że Cię tak pomorduje, ale dlaczego użyłaś "tend" po more and more, a nie are tending (faktycznie dziwnie brzmi) ? Na jednym z arkuszy maturalnych też było " more and more people reject English as a global language" Od czego zależy kiedy użyjemy present simple a kiedy present continuous po tej konstrukcji?

ahh, tyle pytań :D
(ok) how long it will take you to get there and the location of the washrooms.

Powinien byc też przecinek przed 'and'

> an interviewer or, even worse, a team of interviewers.
> an interviewer, or, even worse, a team of interviewers.

ale skoro sa tylko dwie pozycje, to nie powinno byc przecinka przed 'or'

czyli razem 21 przecinków - tak wczoraj też policzyłem, ale nie byłem pewien, czy dobrze widzę na oczy :-)
>czyli razem 21 przecinków - tak wczoraj też policzyłem, ale nie byłem
>pewien, czy dobrze widzę na oczy :-)

Przepraszam za zbytnią dociekliwość, ale ta przypuszczalna ślepota była spowodowana przemęczeniem czy może nadużywaniem?
tym razem porą. było po pólnocy.
Wiecie co? :)) Czegoś nadal nie rozumiem , więc muszę zapytać. Mam nadzieje, że was nie denerwuje.

Ewa napisała :

>The comma before "and" and "or" in a series of three or more items is optional, >however, more and more people tend to use it because if you don't, it may >sometimes create misunderstandings. It all depends on a sentence. I tell my >students to use it.

nie wiem dlaczego, ale te however otoczone przecinkami nie pasuje mi.
Ja bym dał tak :

>The comma before "and" and "or" in a series of three or more items is optional; >however, more and more people tend to use it because if you don't, it may
>sometimes create misunderstandings. It all depends on a sentence. I tell my >students to use it.

zamiast przecinka po lewej dałem średnik, ponieważ to co jest przed i po to są independant clauses ? (czy nie są? :D )
Masz rację. Powinno być ;however,

Nie wiem czy czytasz książki po angielsku. Jeśli tak, to pewnie zauważysz, że autorzy i edytorzy nie zawsze się do zasad stosują.

Angielski przecinek to sprawa dość subiektywna. Ogólnie lepiej przecinek opuścić, zwłaszcza jeśli nie jest się pewnym czy powinien tam być, niż go nadużywać.

Książek nie czytam, bo zawsze wysiadam po kilku kartkach. Pewnie dlatego, że nie znalazłem jeszcze pozycji, która by mi się spodobała i nie zniechęciła mnie stylem pisania czy tam czymś innym. W szkole u mnie codziennie leży świeża prasa angielsko-języczna, którą lubię poczytać. Nie zwracałem jednak uwagi na interpunkcje, no ale zacznę.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 31
poprzednia |


Studia językowe


Brak wkładu własnego