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Newspapers, TV, radio and other mass media shower us with lots of news about damaging the environment. Environmentalists appeal to people to protect our Earth- unfortunately people don’t py enough attention to keep it in a good condition and a contamination of the environment is one of the greatest problems of the contemporary world.
The main source of air contamination is devolopment of industry and increase in the number of cars, planes. Car exhaus fumes and factory fumes cause smog and make the atmosphere highly pollution. In a pollute air form acid rain and they taint water and soil, people can have problems with breath and come down with illneses.
Moreover people too much: smoke, burn oil coal and burn rubbish. This things contribute to the emission of carbon dioxide. The results is a greenhouse effect and holes in the ozone layer.
The world’s climate change brings thunderstorms and natural disastres like tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes. In some parts of the world there are more floods, in others more droughts. If global temperatures continue to rise the ice at the poles will melt. Sea levels will rise. Then there might by floods in coastal cities and some islands might disappaer compeletly.
Holes in the ozone layer become bigger and bigger because there is too much carbon dioxide, but also because people use aerosoles with CFC’s. Sun\'s radiation are bad, very bad for our skin. If the ozone layer disappeared we would have burns. The burns of sun\'s radiation leave horrible scars and later we could have problems.
Apart from industry, also agriculture pose huge threat to environment. Pesticides and feltilizers contain lots of harmful substances, which get into the soil. Contamination of soil cause that agricultural produce is not so healthy.
To the water pollution contribute tanker leaks-oil spill and a municipal wastewater. Every year tons of wastewater get into rivers and seas and taint them. Destroy natural habitat of fish and aquatic animals cause extinction of them. Also many bodys of water are not fit for swim for people.
In one minute people cut down fifty acres of rainforests, which we call the green lungs of the Earth. Forests are the home to milions of kinds of animals and flowers. Every moment a lot of them lose their homes, their natural habitats. Forests are very important, because they help to reduce carbon dioxide and they give us oxygen. Without them our planet could not survive. We cannot live without plants.
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