1.1) Kilka dni temu kupiłeś CD player, który się zepsuł. Napisz list z
reklamacją, w którym:
- wyrazisz swoje niezadowolenie jakością zakupionego towaru
- napiszesz co stało się z odtwarzaczem i jak doszło do jego zepsucia
- napiszesz jakie poniosłeś w związku z tym straty (finansowe,
- zaproponujesz formę rekompensaty ( wymiana lub zwrot pieniędzy)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain about the CD player I bought in your music shop on 24th March 2008. I would like to inform you that I am dissatistied because of the low CD player's quality.
The CD player is unable to read Polish CDs. It read only the CD which I bought in London but anothers cannot be read.
I loss on this appliance all my on-years savings and in consequence(nie wiem czy to nie jest polonizm?) I could not afford on new one. Moreover, the CD player was a gift for my friend's birthday so try to imagine my embarassing/ I was so embarassed when she gave it back to me.
I am afraid I must ask you to (reklamacje). I hope this entitles me to full refund of money or exchanege for new CD player.
I am looking forward to hearing from you. Please, contact me as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
W gazecie znalazłeś ogłoszenie z ofertą pracy. Napisz list do
pracodawcy z prośbą o przyjęcie do pracy, w którym:
-przedstawisz się ( skąd jesteś, ile masz lat itp.) i napiszesz o co
się ubiegasz ( o przyjęcie do pracy)
- napiszesz dlaczego uważasz, że będziesz najlepszym kandydatem i
wymienisz swoje cechy charakteru
- napiszesz jakie masz kwalifikacje i doświadczenie
- napiszesz, że dołączasz CV i referencje i umówisz się na spotkanie
z pracodawcą.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing with regards to your advertisement, which appeared in Friday's edition of “The Sun". I would like to apply for the job of shop assistant in your department store.
I am 22-year-old student from Poland. I study economy and management.
I came to London because I would like to practice my English in everyday situations and that is why I would like to work in your shop.
I am very sociable person and I like working with people. I can easily accommodate to new condition of work. What is more I am responsible, punctually and hard-working. I have some experience as well. I was working at clothes shop in Poland for a few months and I did it quite well. That is why I think I will the best person for this occupation.
I have enclosed a detailed CV as well as a references from my previous employers. I would be grateful if I could come for interview. I will be available at number XXXXXXXXXX. I would appreciate it if you could give this matter serious consideration at your earliest convenience.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,