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To te słowa, niektóre już wstawiłam i proszę o sprawdzenie...z góry dzięki
W miejsu gdzie trzeba wstawić slowko bede wpisywala taki znaczek *
Space * promises a new kind of adventure holiday - visit a space station, check into a space * , and even do a space walk! when space * become cheaper , ordinary people will be able to * them. But how many people will want to * their lives when there is a chance of not coming back? Still, its early days and * will definitely become safer. Meanwhile, the European Space Agency has started a new project which it hopes will lead to the first * flight to Mars. Its ExoMars project will send * to explore the Red Planet to search for resources and even life. But it will be a long time before there is a * on Mars, or even on the Moon. And it * be easy to live in this places. On the Monn, the ?temperature? rises to more than 100C and falls to less than -100C, and it's not much better on Mars. However, ?believe? it or not, experts say that one day humans * definitely live on other planets. It made sound unlikely, but let's not forget that * travel once seemed to be an impossible *. And some people even believe that we will have to leave Earth for the survival of our *.
Proszę o pomoc!!!! to bardzo ważne!