Jak sparafrazować te zdania ??

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Brak wkładu własnego

Wpis zamieszczony (lub przeniesiony) do grupy "Brak wkładu własnego" oznacza, że autor wpisu nie zadał sobie trudu samemu spróbować poradzić sobie z zadaniem lub prośba o tłumaczenie została przepuszczona przez Google Translator. Jeśli ktoś z użytkowników forum ma czas i ochotę może odpisać na taki wpis ale jeśli takiej odpowiedzi nie będzie - nie ma co się denerwować - po prostu nikomu nie chce się odrabiać zadań za kogoś ;-)

Dlatego zachęcamy do własnych prób - szansa na odpowiedź jest znacznie większa.

Mam problem ponieważ mam sparafrazować poniższe zdania przy użyciu słowa zamieszczonego w nawiasach, przy czym zdanie musi mieć taki sam sens jak oryginalne, proszę o pomoc w dokonaniu tego ( nowe zdanie w miejscu "__________" może zawierać od 2 do 5 słów, skróty jak np. isn't trzeba zapisywać w formie is not ).

1. The police officer did not make me pay any fine, so there is a reason for celebration. (LET)
Had I _____ without paying any fine by the police officer, there wouldn't be any reason for celebration.

2. I really wish you could calm down. (SHIRT)
I'd rather you _____ .

3. Penny is a careful writer, but not as careful as Dan. (BIT)
Dan writes _____ than Penny.

4. I am so sorry you revealed my secret to your father... (HAT)
I wish you _____ my secret _____ .

5. While the politicians were negotiating, the guerilla troops were exterminating the local people. (WIPED)
While the politicians were negotiating, the local people _____ by the
guerilla troops.

6. Although she objected to organizing the party at home, she finally threw it there anyway. (RESERVATIONS)
Despite _____ organizing the party at hone, she finally threw it
there anyway.

7. I do think you should investigate the matter more closely. There is no time to lose. (INTO)
It is high time you _____ more closely.

8. It is possible he met John by chance when she was walking in the park. (RUN)
She _____ John when she was walking in the park.

9. This computer is a ruin. It's pointless to ask any specialist to fix it. (FIXED)
This computer is a ruin. There is no _____ .

10. It is a pity I am having some financial problems. (TIGHT)
I wish I Was _____ .

11. I advise to pay more attention to your duties. (SHOES)
If I _____ ,I would pay more attention to my duties.

12. They distributed free CDs in front of the EMPIK store yesterday. (GIVEN)
Free CDs _____ in front of the EMPIK store yesterday.

13. I have seen him do that many times. (BEEN)
He _____ many times.

14. There were two boys in the backyard and they didn't defend the little girl. (STOOD)
_____ the boys in the backyard _____ the little girl.

15. It is the first time in my life that I have seen a person who could run so fast. (SUCH)
Never in my life _____ fast runner.

16. It's a pity I don't have access to it. (FINGERTIPS)
I wish I _____ .

17. Everybody in the organization demanded some actions to be taken in order to improve the situation. (CALLED)
Some actions _____ in order to improve the situation inthe organization.

18. I think you should start to be a boss in your own house. (WEAR)
It's time you _____ in your own home.

19. Since you have tried three times to wash out this stain and it's still there, it's pointless going to the drycleaner's with it. (DRYCLEANED)
Since you have tried three times to wash out this stain and it's still there, there is no _____ .

20. It is impossible that she met Tom by chance the other day. He was in Thailand then. (RUN)
Sne _____ Tom the other day. He was in Thailand then.

21. Ireally want you to get to work at last. (SLEEVES).
I would rather you _____ at last.

22. Globalization is constantly making some primitive cultures disappear. (WIPED)
Some primitive cultures _____ by globalization.

23. If I had had no financial problems, I would have invested my money in that venture. (UP)
Had _____ . I would have invested my money in that venture.

24. You should definitely wear his dress tonight. It fits you perfectly. (LIKE)
You should definitely wear this dress tonight. It _____ .

25. It is impossible that they let him go to the party. (BEEN)
He can't _____ to the party.

26. I have heard her sing this song before. (BEEN)
She _____ this song before.

27. In spite of the fact that she objected to having him employed, John Pembroke was employed in the company, anyway. (RESERVATIONS)
John Pembroke was employed in the company even _____ having him employed.

28. It is a pity that this TV was not available in shops last month. (ON)
I wish this TV _____ last month.

29.1 can't believe Jane's mother is cooking dinner for her again. (HAVING)
I can't believe Jane _____ again.

30. This movie is not a romantic comedy and that one is not a romantic comedy, either. (OF)
_____ a romantic comedy.
troche mi to zajmie czasu... :|
ale jai to będzie popis, jeżeli odrobisz pracę domową za kolejnego nieoduczonego lenia.
>ale jai to będzie popis, jeżeli odrobisz pracę domową za kolejnego
>nieoduczonego lenia
nabrales sie mg :P
juz nie chce mi sie odrabiac zadan czy pisac opowiadan - wole luknac, jak ktos cos zrobil albo jak ktos inny poprawial to, co asker napisal
Hey Gazi,

You are just a lazy good-for-nothing and should get down to work!
Zgadzam z komentarzami,ale niektore to ciekawe idiomy i nie moge znalezc.Np. 10-czy moze byc-'tight for money' w znaczeniu malo pien,tak jak mowi sie -'tight for time'-czy cos innego?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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