'niestety sam napisac' - lubie to okreslenie, jak sam sie chcesz nauczyc, to niestety sam musisz sie naauczyc pisac.
I am 'staying on 'the' (niepotr) scholarship' (zle okreslenie, jak mozesz stac na scholarship?- napisz to inaczej...I am studying under a scholarship) in 'Syndey' (ortog).
I have read THE "Situation OF young people in contemporary world" in 'the' (po co to? niepotr) yesterday's newspaper.(Generalnie podajemy date i gdzie newspaper wyszlo). 'i' ('I' zawsze i wszedzie duzxa litera) found this article very interesting because 'this is' IT 'showing' (nie article nic nie moze pokazywac- tutaj 'describes') 'real life people' (czy chcesz powiedziec, the life od real people?). I am pleased that somebody 'dared about it to
write' (k. b. - zla kol slow - dared to write about it).
All these jokes about 'stilling' (zle slowo-poszukaj odpowiednie) cars in
Poland are not true. People in Poland (Poland - zawsze duza litera) ARE BEcoming richer and they can afford a car... In my opinion it is the biggest lie about 'poland' (dlaczego Ty to piszesz mala litera Poland-duza litera) 'when' (nie zle slowo- tutaj THAT) I have ever heard. And 'they' (do kogop to 'they' sie odnosi-?) are not crafty fellows. In contrast with
Australians 'they' (do kogo to 'they' sie odnosi? tutaj nie jest jasno) just spend too much time thinking about earning money.
...They aren't upset by it....To zdanie niema sensu.
I hope you will publish more texts about this problem. I would like to suggest more topics 'like' (nie, napisz SUCH AS) (daj to 'for example' tutaj) ''this' (niepotr), 'for ex' (nie, nie, skrut na 'for example' to jest 'e.g.' .: Living in Poland...