
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam! Prośba do tych co mieli temat inflacji na ustnym, co mozna o tym powiedziec. Moglby mi ktos dac jakies wzkazowki mam taka wypowiedz przygotowac na zajecia. Bardzo prosze!
Ja mialam inflacje na ustnym i mniej wiecej powiedzialam cos takiego:
Inflation is a rise in general level of prices. It is caused by an excessive demand over supply. We talk about single-digit, double and triple-digit inflation. Inflation of four and more digits is called hyperinflation and it occured in Argentina in the 80s. The opposite of inflation is deflation.
When inflation occurs, the amount of money in circulation rises. Therefore the Central Bank has to control it somehow. It has to withdraw the money from the Commercial Banks in order to lower their ability to grant credits. They simply raise the percentage rate for the money kept in the Commercial Banks, so that they have to riase their percentage rateas well. As a result of that the Commercial Banks grant credits with lower interests, less people decide to raise a loan and the amount of money in circulation diminishes.
Some people say that the best situation for the economy is the 0% of inflation, however it is not tue. It has been scientifically proved that a low rate of inflation is substantial for every economy and for the economic growth.

(za mniej wiecej taka wypowiedz dostalam 'pass', wiec powodzenia :)
Ja miałam inflacje i interest rates - niestety oblałąm, ale to z braku wiedzy :(


Pomoc językowa


FCE - sesja wiosenna 2005