Oral Exam:
I. Dustribution: origin and destination of product.
1. Definition, wide and narrow meaning of distribution, possibility of improvements
2. The aim of distribution.
3. Problems connected with distribution (dealing with orders, warehousing, stocks, transport, responsibility for distribution in an organizational structure)
4. Distribution from customers' point of view.
II. Production and Sale of Goods (Retail and Wholesale outlets: competition between small shops, supermarkets etc.)
1. Difference between retailer and wholesaler (kinds of shops: small trader, departmnet store, multiple shop, supermarket and hipermarket)
2. Comeptiotion between small shops and supermarkets (advantages of small shops and big ones)
3. Situation in Polan - tax regulations profitable for foreign supermarket chains, difficulties of local traders)
4. Personal opionion about favourite places of doing shopping.
III. Declinig markets and new markets.
1. Similarity to product life cycles (4 cycles of market evolution: start, development, maturity, saturation)
2. Division market evolution into new and declining market (more general)
3. Genral factors influencing the market evolution.
IV. Consumer protection.
1. Institutions of the Spokesman for Civil Rights (central) and the Spokesman for Consumer Rights Protection in all distritcs.
2. Guarantees (existing in Polish civil law)
- obligatory to all sellers regardless of their fault
- voluntary guarantee given by a producer
V. Wages and Living Standars
VI. Employer.employee relationships.
VII. Trade
1. International trade (important factor of the economy)
2.Benefits and reasons of trading internationally.
3. Numerous trade connections between countries.
VIII. Trade blocks (e.g. EU, ASEAN NAFTA, CEFTA)
IX. Import/export - importance to the economy of a country.
X. Travel and tourism.
XI. Tourism in a nation's economy.
XII. Tourism and the local area.
1. Definition, kinds of inflation
2. General consequences of inflation
3. Personal consequences of inflation.
XIV. Savings - savings' facilities in candidate's country.
XV. Using money - methods of paying, purchasing.
XVI. Banking - personal - different types for different needs.
XVII. Television ('+' and '_')
XVIII. advertising.
XX. Internet.
XXI. Information Technology.
XXII.Types of transport in Poland for the individual, commerce and industry.