proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie czy tekst jest napisany poprawnie.
Jest mi on potrzebny do pracy i bardzo nie chciałabym żeby pojawiły się w nim jakieś błedy.

pictures producer - producent obrazów?

We established our Firm in 1982. The Firm has been working in the market of pictures reproductions since 1998. Annually we issue approximately forty new titles; overy of tchem in several sizes.
The current catalogues are issued four times a year. We also have a lot of photographs. Reproductions are made on canvas-like paper and smooth paper with foil. Since 2010 we have been producing picture in frame.
Many years of experience gives us possibility to comply our offer to necessities of the market. Thanks to our modern technical resources and qualified Staff we are able to ensure top quality for our product.
Apart from reproductions and photographs we have picture frame, clip frame, clocks.

Orders can be sent by fax or e-mail.
We fulfil orders within 2 days after receipt of order.
'The Firm has'(niepotr - generalnie The Firm w normalnym parlancie znaczy The Mafia), (daj tutaj 'we have') been working in the market of 'pictures' (l. poj) reproductions since 1998. Annually we issue 'approximately' (to jest zlowo nic nie znaczace, approz. moze znaczyc 2 albo 50, niepotr) forty new titles; overy ONE of 'tchem' (them) in several sizes.
'The current' (wg mnie niepotr) Catalogues are issued 'four times a year' (mozna tez 'quarterly').
'We also have a lot of photographs' (no i co z tego - czy to znaczy ze firma je tez sprzedaje - nie jest jasne, jak sa do sprzedania to trzeba napisac...for sale'). Reproductions are made on canvas-like paper and smooth paper with foil. Since 2010 we have been producing picture in frameS.
Many years of experience gives us THE possibility 'to comply our offer' (nie wiem jak to jest pisane, bo nawet tego nie rozumiem) (daj tutaj ...of adapting) to THE necessities of the market. Thanks to our modern technical resources and qualified 'Staff' (dlaczego 'staff ma duza litere?) we 'are able to' (niepotr) ensure top quality for our productS (musi byc products - l. mnoga, bo sprzedajecie wiecej jak jedno).
Apart from reproductions and photographs we 'have' (to znaczy 'macie' ale nie chcecie ich sprzedac.,..jak chcecie to pisz 'sell') picture frame, clip frame, clocks.

Orders can be sent by fax or e-mail.
We fulfil orders within 2 days after THE receipt of THE order.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa