Krótka prezentacja marketing mix - poprawa gramatyczna

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Cześć, mam do Was gorącą prośbe. Prezentacja ta zawiera błędy, głównie gramatyczne, lecz ja ich niestety nie dostrzegam. Moglibyście mi wskazać gdzie one występuję i ewentualnie poprawić lub skierować mnie na właściwą "drogę"?

z góry dziękuje i pozdrawiam!

"That Touch Cosmetics" are well-known In Western Europe for their sensibly-priced skin care and beuty product for women. New management have ambitious objectives for growth.
Cosmetics market are mature market (it means that reaches a equilibrium and there is an absence of significant growth or lack of innovation. Marketing mix based on the 4 Ps of marketing (it is PRODUCT, PLACE, PRICE and PROMOTION), improve this element we achieve growth and maximize profits.

First let’s focus on the PRODUCT; "The Touch Cosmetics" ale well- known but if we want growth we should reinvent their product to stimulate more demand. We must also create the right product mix. It may be wise to expand our current product mix by differential and increasing the depth of our product line (eg. cosmetics line not only for women but also for men and teenager’s)

Next let’s discuss about PLACE; "The Touch Cosmetics" ale well-know only in Western Europe therefore we should expand the area of sales. It is important to start selling this cosmetics Online, another the good steps would be introduce our products to stores of cosmetics not only in Western Europe.

Then let’s focus on PRICE; Price is very important component of the marketing mix, price affecting the sales and demand of the product. The Touch Cosmetics have sensibly-priced (how previously mentioned) but if we would to improve this element we can eg. enter price discounts when customer buys more products.

The last important elements is PROMOTION; We should run promotions on a several areas at the same time eg. across:
• social media (creating a fanpage and organize competitions with prizes for peope who like our products)
• advertising (persuading people to buy a product by announcing it on TV, radio or in other media)
• e-marketing (using electronic media like email os SMS to promote products)
• tying techniques (making sales of one product depend on customer buying another)
In conclusion, The Touch Cosmetic should show that are better than others cosmetics. Our cosmetics must be unique innovation and have high quality because, consumers must be happy.
"'That' (tu masz zle slowo, bo nizej piszezz, ze one sa THE...prosze poprawic) Touch Cosmetics" are well-known In Western Europe for their sensibly-priced skin care and 'beuty' (blad ortog - to powinno byc wskazane jak piszesz przez word...dlaczego nie bylo?) product for women. New management )tutaj brakuje czego...of the company) have ambitious objectives for growth.
(brak przedimka) cosmetics market 'are' (dlaczego masz 'are' co odnosi sie do l. mnogiej, jak 'market' jest l. poj?) mature market ('it' (lepsze slowo 'this') means that (ale co? nie wiem o czym mowa, musisz napisac) reaches 'a' (zly przedimek) equilibrium and there is an absence of significant growth or lack of innovation. Marketing mix based on the 4 Ps of marketing ('it is' (ale jak odnosis sie do 4 rzeczy, to jest l. mnoga, tutaj musisz napisac w l. mnogiej) PRODUCT, PLACE, PRICE and PROMOTION), 'improve this element we' (cos tutaj brakuje, jakiegos slowa, tak jak jest to niema sensu) achieve growth and maximize profits.

First let’s focus on the PRODUCT; "The Touch Cosmetics" 'ale' (popraw) well- known (przecinek przed slowem 'but') but if we want growth we should reinvent 'their' (to, wg mnie jest zle slowo, tutaj wystarczy 'the', dlatego, ze jak piszesz 'we' to nie moga byc 'oni') product to stimulate more demand.
It may be wise to expand our current product mix by 'differential' (nie rozumiem tego slowa tutaj) and 'increasing' (nie, nie, tu musi byc balance, jak masz 'to expand' to musi byc napisane 'to increase') the 'depth' (to jest calkowicie zle slowo, tutaj 'extent') of our product line (eg. cosmetics line not only for women but also for men and 'teenager’s' (nie, tutaj ma byc l. to nie odmosi sie tylko do jednego czlowieka)

Next let’s discuss 'about' (niepotrzebne slowo, co ono dodaje do zdania?) PLACE; "The Touch Cosmetics" 'ale' (popraw) well-know only in Western Europe therefore we should expand the area of sales. It is important to start selling 'this' (ale 'cosmetics' to jest l. mnoga, i to 'this' tez musi byc w l. mnogiej) cosmetics Online. Another 'the' (niepotr przedimek) good 'steps' (nie, bo masz sl;owo 'another' co daje nam znac ze oczekujemy l. poj, a 'steps' to l. mnoga) would be TO introduce our products to stores of cosmetics not only in Western Europe.

Price is (brak przedimka) very important component of the marketing mix, price 'affecting' (nie, nie wiem co ty tutaj robisz, ale slowo jest 'effects') the sales and demand of the product. The Touch Cosmetics 'have' (nie, to jest zwykla kalka z polskiego, a tutaj ma byc 'are' - 'one sa' a nie 'one maja') sensibly-priced ('how' (calkowicie zle slowo) previously mentioned) but if we 'would' (zle slowo, chcialas napisac 'chcemy') to improve this element we can FOR EXAMPLE) 'eg' (nie pisz to tak) enter price discounts when (brak przedimka) customer buys more products.

The last important 'elements' (ale tutaj mowisz o 'jednym' i musi byc l. poj rzeczownika) is PROMOTION; We should run promotions on 'a' (niepotr przed l. mnoga) several areas at the same time eg. across:
• social media (creating a fanpage and organizING competitions with prizes for peope who like our products)
• advertising (persuading people to buy a product by announcing it on TV, radio or in other media)
• e-marketing (using electronic media like email 'os' (zle slowo) SMS to promote products)
• tying techniques (making sales of one product depend on customer buying another)
In conclusion, The Touch Cosmetic should show that (ale co? tutaj musisz napisac 'one') are better than others cosmetics. Our cosmetics must be (brak przedimka) unique innovation and have high quality because(,) (nie za bardzo rozumiem uzycia tego przecinka tutaj, co to dodaje do zdania?) consumers must be happy.

Musisz rtozumiec roznice pomiedzy l. poj a l. mnoga, i jak masz czasownik w l. poj to wymaga rzeczownik l. poj. Pamietaj tez o tych przedimkach (a, an, the) - bo z tym to masz trudnosci jeszcze.


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