Jaka jest różnica między the lead time a production time? wg mnie zadna
Czy zdanie "The lead time is on the 29th week" jest prawidłowe ...tak, bo to znaczy ze wtedy dopiero zaczynaja produkowac dany product...
Production time? - wg mnie to jest 'dlugosc w czasie' np. The production time of a pair of shoes is 2 weeks.
Jak prawidłowo używać słów dispatch a kiedy shipment? Ja bym uzywala 'dispatch' po kraju, a 'shipment' jak product idzie za granice kraju.
Please find (the) (niepotr.) enclosed...Please find enclosed an invoice for your materials....
Please find (the) (niepotr) attached...Please find attached an invoice for your products
I am sending the attached...(to jest ciekawe pojecie...bo co innego mozesz robic jak 'sending' cos, co jest 'attached' ...lepiej I am forwarding an attached invoice for your products...
I 'enclosed' (nie, tutaj 'enclose) the invoice..moze byc ale w zdaniu...I enclose the invoice which you requested...
Regarding, concerning czy in 'refference' (tutaj 'reference') to?...Regarding your query of 18th inst., matter concerning the faulty products which we sent.
I refer to your query of 18th inst., in the matter concerning the faulty shipment...
Jest jeszcze... Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Faulty shipment...
inst., - znaczy w tym miesiacu, a re: 'with reference to'...