Kto zechce uczyć mnie przez internet?

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Szukam kogoś, kto zechce raz w tygodniu uczyć mnie języka angielskiego - nie mam czasu uczestniczyć w kursie, przygotowuję sie sama. Mam FCE i doświadczenie w korzystaniu z języka angielskiego na co dzień. Jestem studentką. Oczywiście byłyby to lekcje płatne - np. 100 zł/ mc (tzn. 4 lekcje). Liczę na to, że każda lekcja będzie składała się z każdego z elementów Testu CAE - dlatego jakby nauki podjął się ktoś, kto posiada ten Certyfikat i zdał go na A lub B.
Pozdrawiam, to mój e-mail: [email]
agatko, lepiej juz sama zakup sobie ksiazki za te 100 zlotych i ucz sie sama. przez internet za wiele to sie nie nauczysz... a na studiach nie masz lektoratu? moze twoj wykladowca moglby ci podpowiedziec co mozesz zrobic?
odplatna nauka przez internet na nic ci nie pomoze . to jestm moje zdanie :)
In my humble opinion, not every chum who managed to pass CAE is able to teach others how to achieve it. Native speakers are not a good choice either since most of them have only marginal knowledge of what is required. After all these years in this business I can frankly say that most native speakers I know are terribly unprofessional.You'd be better off if you asked some professional teachers. There are loads of people (myself included ;-)who make their living preparing high level students for exams such as TOEFL, CAE, CPE, etc. Not all of them, however, would be willing to work for the ridiculous kind of money you offered. Why don't you try language courses...
Please do not make such sweeping statements as this: Native speakers are not a good choice either since most of them have only marginal knowledge of what
is required. I know that this is hard to belive , but some of us 'native speakers' DO have more than a marginal knowledge of what is required, belive it or not, some of us also have an idea of how to teach.
..There are loads of people (myself included) who make their living preparing high level students for exams such as TOEFL, CAE, CPE, etc. - This is interesting, as seconds before you intimated that most native speakers have only a marginal knowledge - but you, of course, are an expert. I wonder why?
Why...M.A.in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, CELTA, longish stays in England and the USA, more than ten years of teaching university students in Poland, and attending over thirty teaching conferences to name just a few reasons why. What about you, Terri? I didn't want to offend anybody, but when some native speakers I know claim that they can teach because they are English, I roll on the floor laughing. I saw some of them teaching in the past and sad to say, more of them were liabilities rather than assets. What qualifications and references do you have, Terri? Of course , apart from the fact that you were born in an English-speaking country...
Why don't you take a good look around here to see how Terri can help teaching-wise. if you concede that there are exceptions that prove rules, you've just found one exception.
Just to put you straight - as obviously you don't visit this forum frequently enough to know, I was not born in an English-speaking country and do not claim that I am 'native' because of it. However, I do agree with you, that just the very fact of being 'native' i.e. being born in an English-speaking country, is not and never will be enough to teach the English language to anybody. As it happens, I too, have seen the results of 'native' speakers trying to explain the intricacies of finer points of English grammar to Polish students. I must bow to your superior knowledge, (which is impressive) but I feel that I have a tiny advantage over pure 'native' speakers and that is the fact that I happen to speak both languages.
So do I. Sorry to take you for a belligerent native and glad to meet an exception recommended by mg. Seems that we agree on the gist to some extent. Hope that AgataKlamerka doesn't mind we've dominated her post a bit. Pros rule OK ;-)
No harm done. Now that you know that this forum exists, perhaps we might count on your help now and again.
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