Problematyczne transformacje i luki w zdaniach.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć :) Mam problem z rozwiązaniu paru przykładów z części Use of English Part 4 i 5, do których niestety nie mam odpowiedzi. W związku z tym proszę o pomoc: jeśli wpadliście na rozwiązanie, podzielcie się nim! Sprawdzicie też swoją wiedzę :)


1. If his temperature increases, I'm going to call the doctor.
Unless his temperature ________________ the doctor.

2. If William hadn't advised me to continue, I would have given up.
But ____________________ I would have given up.

O wiele liczniejsza część - luki

1. Kim made a _________ note to talk to her brother when she got back from college.
Gillian has been diagnosed as suffering from a form of ___________ illness.
When I told dad I'd crashed the cae he went absolutely ___________ at me.

2. Arnold __________ his fist at the boys who ran off when they kicked their ball through his window.
Timmy __________ with fear - what was that dark shadow in the corner of his room?
It ___________ him up a bit when he found out that his mum and dad were getting a divorce.

3. It is a religious __________ to make a sing of the cross every time you pass a church.
Rupert awoke early as was his ____________.
Winifred was working on an advertising campaign to attract more ___________.

4. You can't leave yet! For a __________, we haven't cut the cake.
Well, we've only saved $5.000 so far, but it's a _________.
The play didn't get off to a good _________, as there was a power cut and the lights went out.

5. Nothing would ever _________ Emma to accept money from her elderly parents.
Government soldiers are now attempting to ___________ the rebels out of the jungle.
He seems to lack _______ and ambition, both of which are crucial in this job.

6. I saw some fabulous _________ at the London Fashion Show.
Carl has __________ on that cottage on the corner, and he thinks he can turn it into a pub!
Jane has grand ___________ for her singing career, but I'm not sure she has enough talent.

7. He promised that one day, he would ____________ the favour to me.
If the pain should ____________ you'd better go and see a doctor.
The jury resolved to ___________ a verdict of guilty.

PS. Kto zdaje CAE 12 czerwca?! :D
Nie jetem pewna, ale może:
1. increase, I don't intend to
2. for William advising to keep continuing.???
6.??? może fancy....
Też zdaję CAE teraz, więc nie jestem pewna tych odpowiedzi.
1 raczej 'jesli nie spadnie'
2 keep continuing = dalej robic dalej

2 jest taka forma shaked?
3 nie
4 nie, początek
6 na d

@Mary - ogólnie staramy się naprowadzac na odpowiedzi, a nie wykładać kawę na ławę. szczególnie, jeżeli ktoś chce, zeby mu napisac wypracowanie itp.
It is a religious __________ to make a sing of the cross every time you pass a church.
Rupert awoke early as was his ____________.
Winifred was working on an advertising campaign to attract more ___________.

stawiał bym na habit lub attention... (...)
chyba jednak custom...... dosc trudny przykład :)
... i tylko dlatego ze pasuje do 3 ;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Business English