Statystyki sesji letniej CPE 2006

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jeśli kogoś to interesuje, tutaj są statystyki z CPE z letniej sesji 2006 w Katowicach. Gdyby ktoś chciał, mam też statystyki z innych miast (również z CAE).

Katowice results:
Grades A: 3 ( 6.818%)
Grades B: 12 (27.273%)
Grades C: 23 (52.273%)
Grades D: 3 ( 6.818%)
Grades E: 3 ( 6.818%)
Grades X: 1
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 44
All taking the exam: 45
Ooo, jasne, byłoby suppper!!! To ja proszę o CAE z Krakowa:) A takie ogólne też są?
Dodałem w katalogu dot. CAE.
Ogólne? Tzn. z całej Polski? Nie przygotowałem jeszcze - może w nocy sciągnę wyniki z całej Polski, to jutro tutaj pokażę.
Statystyki z całej Polski:
*** CPE statistics ***
Grades A: 51 ( 7.244%)
Grades B: 148 (21.023%)
Grades C: 374 (53.125%)
Grades D: 59 ( 8.381%)
Grades E: 72 (10.227%)
Grades X: 8
Grades Z: 18
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 704
All taking the exam: 730

Statystyki z każdego ośrodka osobno:
*** Białystok ***
Grades A: 1 (14.286%)
Grades B: 1 (14.286%)
Grades C: 4 (57.143%)
Grades D: 1 (14.286%)
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 7
All taking the exam: 7
*** Bydgoszcz ***
Grades A: 1 ( 6.250%)
Grades B: 3 (18.750%)
Grades C: 11 (68.750%)
Grades D: 1 ( 6.250%)
Grades Z: 2
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 16
All taking the exam: 18
*** Częstochowa ***
Grades C: 3 (50.000%)
Grades E: 3 (50.000%)
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 6
All taking the exam: 6
*** Gdańsk ***
Grades A: 7 ( 7.609%)
Grades B: 22 (23.913%)
Grades C: 54 (58.696%)
Grades D: 7 ( 7.609%)
Grades E: 2 ( 2.174%)
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 92
All taking the exam: 92
*** Gliwice ***
Grades D: 1 (50.000%)
Grades E: 1 (50.000%)
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 2
All taking the exam: 2
*** Katowice ***
Grades A: 3 ( 6.818%)
Grades B: 12 (27.273%)
Grades C: 23 (52.273%)
Grades D: 3 ( 6.818%)
Grades E: 3 ( 6.818%)
Grades X: 1
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 44
All taking the exam: 45
*** Kielce ***
Grades A: 1 ( 3.333%)
Grades B: 2 ( 6.667%)
Grades C: 18 (60.000%)
Grades D: 4 (13.333%)
Grades E: 5 (16.667%)
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 30
All taking the exam: 30
*** Koszalin ***
Grades B: 1 (14.286%)
Grades C: 5 (71.429%)
Grades E: 1 (14.286%)
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 7
All taking the exam: 7
*** Kraków ***
Grades A: 10 (13.514%)
Grades B: 18 (24.324%)
Grades C: 27 (36.486%)
Grades D: 7 ( 9.459%)
Grades E: 12 (16.216%)
Grades X: 1
Grades Z: 3
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 74
All taking the exam: 78
*** Lublin ***
Grades A: 1 ( 6.250%)
Grades B: 2 (12.500%)
Grades C: 6 (37.500%)
Grades E: 7 (43.750%)
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 16
All taking the exam: 16
*** Łódź ***
Grades A: 6 ( 7.407%)
Grades B: 18 (22.222%)
Grades C: 45 (55.556%)
Grades D: 7 ( 8.642%)
Grades E: 5 ( 6.173%)
Grades Z: 1
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 81
All taking the exam: 82
*** Olsztyn ***
Grades B: 4 (16.667%)
Grades C: 16 (66.667%)
Grades D: 4 (16.667%)
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 24
All taking the exam: 24
*** Opole ***
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 0
All taking the exam: 0
*** Poznań ***
Grades A: 8 (17.778%)
Grades B: 14 (31.111%)
Grades C: 20 (44.444%)
Grades D: 3 ( 6.667%)
Grades X: 2
Grades Z: 4
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 45
All taking the exam: 51
*** Rzeszów ***
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 0
All taking the exam: 0
*** Szczecin ***
Grades A: 2 (12.500%)
Grades B: 3 (18.750%)
Grades C: 11 (68.750%)
Grades X: 1
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 16
All taking the exam: 17
*** Warszawa ***
Grades A: 11 ( 4.603%)
Grades B: 46 (19.247%)
Grades C: 128 (53.556%)
Grades D: 21 ( 8.787%)
Grades E: 33 (13.808%)
Grades X: 2
Grades Z: 7
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 239
All taking the exam: 248
*** Wrocław ***
Grades B: 2 (40.000%)
Grades C: 3 (60.000%)
Grades X: 1
Grades Z: 1
All marked (excluding those who obtained X or Z): 5
All taking the exam: 7
Brawo Gliwice :)


FCE - sesja letnia 2006


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