Analisis of subordinate clauses

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witajcie :)
Mam spory problem z analizą 5 zdań. Jedno z nich jest zrobione a drugie zaczęte. Będę wdzięczna za pomoc i objaśnienie mi błędów jeśli takowe będą ;) Poniżej znajduje się polecenie i przykład jak należy wykonać zadanie.

Bracket the main and subordinate clauses in the sentences below. Determine the form and function of subordinate clauses.
EXAMPLE: [CLAUSE 1 I think [ CLAUSE 2 you can do it]]
CLAUSE 1: main clause
CLAUSE 2: subordinate clause (form: finite clause; function: direct object of the verb think)

1. [CLAUSE 1 What he saw both surprised [CLAUSE 2 and frightened him.]

CLAUSE 1&2: coordinated

2. [CLAUSE 1 Glancing up at my tired face, [CLAUSE 2 she asked], [CLAUSE 3 in a rather grating voice,] [CLAUSE 4 how I was feeling.]

CLAUSE 2&4: main clauses

CLAUSE 1&3: coordinated subordinate clause

CLAUSE 1: coordinated subordinate clause
Form: non-finite
Function: subject complement

CLAUSE 3: coordinated subordinate clause
Form: non-finite
Function: postmodifier of object

3. Since I have been especially invited to speak, for you now to tell me I cannot do so is quite unpardonable.

4. Having been invited to speak, and then being told to keep silent, I shall never come here again as long as I live.

5. What I wanted to say was, as I didn't know whether you were going to say that you could come or you couldn't, could you make it the following Saturday?
1. zapomniales/as o 'what he saw'. To jest o wiele wazniejsze niz tamta para coordinated

2. clause 3 to nie jest clause
ostatnia nie jest zdaniem glownym
clause 1 nie jest okresleniem podmiotu, poza tym subject complement ma zupelnie inna funkcje w zdaniu


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