Hi, John.
What’s up? I can’t wait on your visit. Sorry, for that I cant play Minecraft with you, right now we are doing big renovation of our house. My room wil be looking completley different. It now will be more darker. There’s will be a new desk, bed and I will get a gaming chair from my parents. Today I was in IKEA to find furniture fitting to my walls. I think I’m find that I want. I will send you photos of them in attachment. We had a small problem, because Philip want to know how to paint walls and he accidentaly break my window. But it’s nothing, we just buy new one. A smaller renovation is awaing on hall. Just new paint – nothing more. What would you like to change in your house? Please reply to my.
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• napisz, co się zmieni w twoim domu po remoncie;
• opisz jeden problem, który pojawił się z powodu remontu, oraz wyjaśnij, jak został rozwiązany;
• dowiedz się, co twój kolega chciałby zmienić w swoim domu. Napisz swoją wypowiedź w języku angielskim