Prośba o sprawdzenie kilku zdań pod kątem gramatyki

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Dzień dobry,
Przygotowuję się właśnie na ustny BEC Higher i chciałem sprawdzić czy poza kwestią merytoryczną nie popełniam błędów w np. gramatyce.

Przykłady zdań:
Firstly, in modern economy we not only compete with our rivalry on profits or market share but also on marketing field or work environment field, which will be of course improved by funding a foreign language training to our employees.

In addition it will boost our public relations. We will be perceived as a company that treats well not only customers, but also staff or suppliers - therefore our sales or customer base may be improved.

Morover, we will be seen as a modern company, because development is one of the most desired values nowadays./We will be seen as a modern company that emphasize development - and development, progress is on of the most desired values nowadays.

We won't need to spend so much money on further controls, therefore our profits will be improved.

I study at Poznan University of Economics and Business and I'm third year student of finance and accounting(tu pewnie błąd, nie wiem jak powiedzieć co studiuję). I have chosen this university because I'm really intrested in behavioral economics - it's also the subject of my bachelor thesis. Especially I find market anomalies very intresting, therefore I'm making researches on this field.

I'm taking BEC Exam because I find business english very useful. It is closely linked to the subject of my bechelor thesis - I'm writing about behavioral economics and market calendar anomalies. Most of literature of the subject is english, therefore it's important for me to understand business and economics words and meanings.
Firstly, in (ja dalabym tutaj przedimek 'a') modern economy we not only compete with our rivalry on profits or market share but also on (tutajbrak przedimka) marketing field or (przedimek) work environment field, which will be of course improved by funding a foreign language training 'to' (zle slowo, tutaj 'for' - bo 'dla nich') our employees.

In addition it will boost our public relations. We will be perceived as a company that treats well not only (tutaj brakuje slowa, moze 'our') customers, but also (przedimek) staff or suppliers - therefore our sales or customer base may be improved.

'Morover' (blad ortog, Moreover) , we will be seen as a modern company, because development is one of the most desired values nowadays./We will be seen as a modern company that emphasizeS (company -it-3os.l.poj) development - and development, progress is 'on' (one) of the most desired values nowadays.

We 'won't' (ja lubie w calosci...will not) need to spend so much money on further controls, therefore our profits will be improved.

I study at Poznan University of Economics and Business and I'm third year student of finance and accounting (Ja dalabym to inaczej...I am a third-year student of Finance & Accounting at ....). I have chosen this university because I'm really 'intrested'(ortog) in behavioral economics - it's also the subject of my bachelor thesis. 'Especially I find market anomalies' (ja dalabym to inaczej. I find....especially) very 'intresting' (co sie stalo z tym slowem...interesting), therefore I'm 'making' (to jest za niskie slowo, tutaj 'conducting, undertaking) 'researches' (nie, tutaj 'research') 'on' (nie, nie jestes na boisku, tutaj IN) this field.

I'm taking THE BEC Exam because I find 'business english' (dalabym duza litere bo to specific) very useful. It is closely linked to the subject of my 'bechelor' (hello?) thesis - I'm writing about behavioral economics and market calendar anomalies. Most of (przedimek) literature 'of' (chyba zle slowo, moze ON) the subject is IN English, therefore it's important for me to 'understand'(daj moze inne slowo, moze comprehend) business and economics 'words' (nie, bo nie to masz na mysli, tutaj 'terminology) and (dodalabym cos 'moze associated, relevant) meanings.
przed' therefore' ja lubię dawać ' so " :)
I'm really 'intrested'(ortog) in behavioral economics
można tez 'especially keen in " ., passionate ,..wiele słów innych można dać , zamiast ' zainteresowany "
it's important for me to 'understand'(daj moze inne slowo, moze comprehend)
:' understand ' za niskie tu jest napewno ..'.aquire' ..czy jak @Terri napisała : 'comprehend' podoba mi się bardzo ..w sensie zrozumieć /pojąc ....choć ja używam " make out / figure out ostatnie raczej amerykanizm . i raczej nieformalne te dwa zwroty dane przeze mnie .
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 17 cze 2017