I'm so glad you told me what i did'n wanna hear.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Thing to do tomorrow:
1. Get up
2. Survive
3. Go to bed

Any other ideas?
Well, all day long I had very hard time. Now, I'm thinking just about tomorrow!
My day is over, I just feel abandoned by my friends, parents, fiance' , maybe i'm crazy, I feel like...........
Just you need a drink.
The real survival is going to take place place tomorrow;]
I have an idea: you should replace the word SURVIVE with ENJOY THE DAY, because life is too short to grumble. Have you ever heard these words: "Who can pause, except for ever?" Sound like a true, don't they? So, if you can't pause, do everything to remember as many things as possible!
I know another proverb, Chinese, which I like very much and repeat often: "It's better to light a candle than to curse darkness". Very optimistic, isn't it?
wasn't that bad after all, was it? ;] HNY
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.