Favourite colour?

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Yesterday I saw an advertisment and there was something about favourite colours. I started wondering what is my favourite colour and I couldn't answer this question. I can say that I like blue or red, but is it possible to have one favourite colour for everything? I mean if I like blue clothes it doesn't mean that I like blue walls, etc.
What does it mean "favourite colour"? Maybe this question is a little stupid but I am really interested in your point of view, so I'm waiting for your posts? Thanks. :)
I think, that " favourite colour" could has different meaning for each person. For me " favourite colour" is the one which suits my type of character the best , in which I feel the most relaxed and self- confident:)
I have a few favorite colours: black, blue and crimson. My room has blue walls and at the moment can't imagine they in other colour. I wear mainly black and printed design t-shirts and blue trousers :)
They say there's an area of study called psychology of colors, which specifies the correlations between colors and our personality. Our life experiences can affect our choice of colors, and for instance, people who wear black are likely to have gonbe though sth traumatic (but on the other hand they might be fans of gothic music or black metal as well).

As for my favorite ones, I returned to the colors i used to like in my childhood, that is green and purple, after my teenage rebellion;) inspired by grunge when such colors where considered bimbo-like and genrally unacceptable. So we all suffered like Kurt Cobain, and wore dark and baggy clothes of unspecified color, or black was also a popular choice influenced also by predilection for the fin du siecle art period, when being black, mysterious, sickly pale and thin and always with a cig in your hand was most trendy.

Now I do like purple and green, and it doesn't matter if it's about clotthes or interior design. Of course i allow other colors as well.



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