Hello guys!
I'm a young (lol) English teacher. I'm currently working on my diploma work which investigates the role of personality factors and anxiety states in second language learning.
To explore the issue in question, I've designed a neat questionnaire and I hope for enthusiastic response from you guys. My ambitious aim is to find a sample of like 100 respondents - in order for the findings to be representative.
To cut the long story short: I NEED YOUR HELP. Here are some requirements you have to meet:
1. Your mother tongue is NOT English
2. You learn (or learned in the past) English as a Second Language in a classroom environment (a private or public school)
3. You'll kindly do an online personality test for me
4. You'll kindly fill in the questionnaire I'm going to send you
To convince you even more, I'll tell you that there are no open-ended questions, so the whole project will not be time-consuming for you. (30 minutes at most) Needless to say, you will remain anonymous and the information I will gather will only be used for the purpose of my thesis.
So, everyone interested email me at [email] and I will send you the questionnaire.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation :)