wczoraj, 12:44
>>>>Sure, so now my English is sloppy because I dared to write from a phone.
...Where exactly did I say that? DO NOT attribute words to me that I have never said.
<<<<<<<<< I didn't have you in mind when I wrote that. Anyway you're just being confrontational because that's what you think, isn't it?
>>>>If I wanted to I could nitpick a lot of things from posts written in Polish or I could do the same to posts written by native speakers.
...We would be extremely grateful, if you did that. We are all here on this forum to learn.
I'd be glad to do that but this forum is the least active forum I've ever seen so there's not much reason to come here often.. To make matters worse you've got some very rude people here who do nothing but criticize.
>>>>Write as much text in Polish as I did in English in no more than an hour, want to bet I would be able to find numerous mistakes?
...But my darling, this forum is 'szlifuj swoj angielski' i.e.' Polish up your English'. Therefore why should I be judged on my Polish? Who are you to take the mantle of a judge anyway?
Yes indeed it is so stick to its intended purpose, right now I feel that this forum is "write something in English and we will eat you alive for every little mistake that you'll make"
I thought that the purpose of this forum was giving advice on how to improve one's English and not to judge and belittle people, I guess I was dead wrong.
>>>ps. I don't care about Englishmen, I don't even like their variety of English.
...It is obvious that you don't understand the point being made here. I would advise you to speak to a native and ask him what that means.
Don't be so cryptic and just write what you mean.