Speaking English

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What do you think. Some people claim that many young Poles speak English. Personally for me knowing language means to communicate in it fluently - I mean you can express your every thought. Despite such opinions only few young Poles can communicate in English. In my environment almost no one speaks English ( maybe certain basic expresions). What do you think about it. Claiming that English is widely-spoken in Poland by young ones is based on facts or just wishful thinking????
Point taken, but you must agree that more and more younger people are learning English and so it follows that they can generally understand (even at a basic level) spoken or written English. The other thing to remember is that not all English 'natives' are always in a position to express their every thought. In many instances their vocabulary and sentence construction leaves a lot to be desired.
I think that if your English is stil far from perfect you should not crticize others.
for me knowing language means *to communicate
For YOU knowing a foreign language means communicating fluently.
"The other thing to remember is that not all English 'natives' are always in a position to express their every thought."

I wholeheartedly agree with terri, fluency in speaking even your native language, is a skill only few people achieve. If you do not believe me, try and listen BBC's "One minute", a programm in which British must talk without hesitation,repetition or deviation on given topic for 1 minute (if they hesitate the topic goes to another person). Believe me, very few manage to do that, usually the topic goes to 3 or 4 people during one minute.

You can always try and "talk to mirror" in Polish on e.g. "Movies" or "Pets in your house".
To communicate after mean is not any mistake. Check in dictionary.
I did and I think it should be with the gerund form.
mean to do sth = intend to do sth, often something bad or wrong
Certainly gerund form is correct but you can also use an infinitive.
'leaves a lot to be desired' - is this sentence realy in use in english language or its just exact translation polish sentence with means 'pozostawia wiele do zyczenia' ????
It's really in use.
bufas -
-if this was a genuine question - then 'leaves a lot to be desired - is really used. If it was tinged with a sense of 'irony' then don't teach your grandmother how to suck eggs.
Poles speaking English ? not a fact but a lie or a wish not granted. Poles take the liberty to say "I speak English" cause they learned a few book words in English when the rest of the world know that slavics have a tough time learning and they are running behind, Poles can't make that claim. If Poles spoke English as they claim then they wouldn't have their TV shows translated nor use subtitles. Stick it in your heads people, Sweadish people speak English, Poles don't, accept your problem and move on, stop being so arrogant.
rwutsh you are an idiot. Swedish people don't have problems with understending English because they have got an access to the Internet uncomparable to ours(in Poland i guess sth about 30% has an access). What's more their movies are broadcasted in English without any dubbing throughout their childhood.
YOU ARE AN IDIOT!! Poland is a very clever and intllignet country. and soon everybody will be speaking English, understand? You are laughting from Poland but but Polish in late time secure your ass from dangerous!! So don't laught if you don't know anything about Poaland!!
Polish people do generally speak good English in my opinion, especially the younger people. I meet many people in Krakow who are absolutely fluent at the age of 20 and that's quite an achievement. Comparing Krakow to places like Rome, Barcelona and Paris I'd say Polish people have better English. Northern European countries (Sweden, Denmark, Finland) have a long history of learning and speaking English (they have to since their language is not often spoken by foreigners) so of course they have a very high ability. I'm sure in the future Poland will have the same standard.

(I wish they would use subtitles instead on Polish TV. I cant hear the Polish dubbing because the English is still underneath, and I cant hear the English because of the Polish dubbing!)
Poland is the typical example of a nation of brainwashed idiots. Look at how they reacted when ' their ' pope passed away. Millions of them trying to reach Rome in their shitty communist buses. Also, the IQ level of their politicians and president perfectly reflects the IQ of this backward nation. The league of Polak families and samobroona ( the Lepper klan ) is a shame on the European Union and these mental retards should not be allowed in the European parliament. Polaks, if you guys are so intelligent, why do you elect such stupid people ? Lech Walesa couldn't even speak correct Polish, this has been confirmed by many polaks that I met. Sure communism didn't do you any good but I'm sure that genetic deficieny is the main explanation for your mental retardation. Maybe it's time we erase this country from the map and bring new people there.
How can a Polak call an American or a Brit stupid, they live in an underdeveloped country filled with human waste ,I made the mistake to go there for vacation cause I had this dumb polish bitch begging me to go and these are all the things that I saw with my own eyes:

1) Most people are unfriendly and they don’t have any manners ,they push you out of the way before they say excuse me and they never put the chairs in.
2) Don’t expect to see any customer service there ,it hasn’t got there yet ,you’ll be treated like they are doing you a favor ,and bring your own napkins and packets of ketchup cause they can’t afford to give you that.
3)Pollocks drive unfriendly and they can’t drive to save their lives ,they get into accidents going 40 kilometers,I saw an accident at an intersection at 3 o'clock in the morning the only 2 cars on the road.

4)Pollacks love to drive their little slow ,family shit cars ,over the speed limit thinking that they are driving speed machines ,its funny as hell.Just look at the numbers of people killed in car accidents in Poland and that speaks louder than words.
5)Communism might’ve ended but not on the stone long faces of Pollocks ,so many years of communism stiill reflects and very well present ,if you say hi to a Pollock they look at you like you are crazy ,damn Pollocks are light years behind.
6)Burocracy is ass backwards and upside down ,everything
that has to do with paper work is like giving birth.
7)Don’t count on the Pollock Police force to assist you anytime ,they are inefficent and can be bribed with little money.
9)Pollocks talk about americans not knowing about geographics ,well let's give a Pollock a blank map of south ,central,north america and lets see if they can fill it out.Like Pollock do you know where Culebra is in america.Ha ha ha ha didn’t think so...
10)Poland has very little tourism and when they hear a tourist speak english they freak out like neanderthals and scramble around like chimps ,that goes to show you how behind these pollocks are...
11)Take a look at a picture of the pollock politicians in that coutnry ,they couldn’t look dumber and communist ,they believe the economy of Poland will pick up by selling pierogies,without foreign business.
Boy have you heard polish music or rap ,ha ha ha ha ha ,they are laughable ,Pollocks are tone deaf ,they can’t write a melody ,have u ever heard a Polish band being famous outside of poland ,thats simply cause they suck.
* Pollocks hate the US but can’t stop watching their movies and buying their cds and clothes,Hypocrits.
If you are more inteligent than a super power like the US why are you so behind like the balls of a dog.
*All of this I saw with my own eyes in Poland ,these are facts ,although Pollocks’ll deny it.
Pollocks Are so dumb they believe that they are a civilized country when in fact they are a 3rd world country ,sad but true.
*The Germans could’ve done something better with Poland than what’s become.
I’m not too crazy about Americans but I believe Pollocks got no business calling anybody dumb...
"the league of Polak families and samobroona ( the Lepper klan ) is a shame on the European Union and these mental retards should not be allowed in the European parliament."

It's ironic that you say so because you have very similar views to them. You are a norrow-minded Nazi bigot just like them.
Who are you??? Have you ever been to Poland ?
German_tourist - have you ever been to Italy...?
I often think I'm living in a communist-ruled country (in Rome, to be specific), with high bureaucracy, obsolete services, no manners in the street nor on public transportation, public money thrown away on useless infrastructure never used if ever terminated, corruption, reign of recommendation, army of useless people in public institutions that do not provide you with public service you paid your taxes for...
My whole family is living here and we cannot move, but if only... at least we would not hear people claiming to know English, getting paid for it and then saying "arri" (Harry), "konwension" (convention), "czirkus" (circus) and so on...
...just to add that we (Italy, I mean) have been in the EU from the very beginning, so there was (enough?) time to have a few things improved...
once i was at germany for holidays (Koln) and what did i see...horribly dirty streets,unkind people jostling you while you are passing near them,shop-assitants cheating almost every client and (what was the worsest thing for me) women ugly as sin ;))

Don't bite. Our German Tourist and Western European friends here have nothing better to do with their lives than call Polish people stupid. I've lived here for three years, and whilst Poland is not on par with many other western countries, it is still a very beautiful place to live and is progressing rapidly.

Hey, Western European!

By the remarks you have made, you only clarify your own personal retardation. Wipe Poland from the map? Jesus, you must either be German or Iranian. POLAKS ELECTING WHO THEY DID MAKES THEM RETARDS? Well, I guess that makes the US (the most powerful nation in the world, which, incidentally has: a military force that could easily level just about anything it wants; some of the most advanced technology in the world; the best doctors etc etc etc) the largest nation of idiots in the world!!! Hats off to you for being such a genius! I wish I knew where you were from so I could come along and beg for permission to mix in your gene pool!!!

And, hey, German Tourist! Why don't you just fuck off? No-one wants to hear your shite. I've lived here, as I said, for three years, and none of the crap you posted is true. Your condescending imperialist attitude is the same fucked up stigma your nation has been trying to rid itself of since the end of the second world war. Seriously, man, try a bit of introspection and attempt to find out why you're so fucking ignorant.

And as for Poles being able to speak English, well, a lot of them can't, but the majority of the younger ones now do, and anyone about twenty, unless from a poorer family has at least a basic understanding. And I don't see why there seems to be (yet again( this imperialist view that every nation should speak English, and if they can't, that they are somehow inferior. Anyone foreign here tried learning Polish? It's damn hard.

And as for German as a language? I've never heard such an ugly language in my life. Perfect though, if you're going to commit genocide.
I come on this page to learn language and meet reallly stiupid people from english willages a specially. Its stiupd what they speak about. It means that they didnt know nothing about our country. And if it so why so many german ashole come and buy things in poland.
And one more thing, that is important - Western European and German Tourist are the same person.
It's funny how miserable people can be!
Hmmm, Kinda suspected that. It's almost like a person holding two sock puppets and having a little (and rather insane) with him/her/itself. Kinda sad, when you think about it...
(Late edit)

Hmmm, Kinda suspected that. It's almost like a person holding two sock puppets and having a little (and rather insane) conversation with him/her/itself. Kinda sad, when you think about it...
Don’t worry and feel welcome to post, the polinskis and you Italian greaseballs share many a common bond, when you add the polish educational value and the italian grease you may find a new species, the poletalian.
The reason why the Wehrmacht had to delay the attack on the Soviet Union is because you greaseballs were not even able to beat a whimpy nation as Greece. And let's not even talk about your military campaigns in Africa, really pathetic.Today's Italy is even worse, much comparable to Polska. Start working and stop complaining all the time, your lazy polaks and greaseballs.
I don't quite understand why such assholes as GermanTourist come to this website.We want to improve our english, not offend each other. If you don't like us so much, my dear friend, then why the hell have you come here?
Should every Pole now go to some german website and offend everyone for The World War II? It's past, let's just forget it.We all are civilisied people, can't we just have a constructive discussion?
Maybe Poland isn't perfect but it's OUR mothercountry and you can put your statements right into yoour ass.Greetings.
>If you don't like us so much, my dear friend, then why the hell have you
>come here?
I suspected from the beginning and now I'm almost sure that German Tourist is a Pole in disguise. First of all he is not posting from Germany at all. The domain "belgacom.be" is a Belgian domain. He is ashamed of his Polish heritage as some Poles who live outside Poland are. I meet such morons every day. German Tourist is a typical case of a frustrated, insecure loser out of his motherland which he hates, yet not fully adapted to his new environment in a host country. He may even be rejected and despised by the society especially if he himself is hostile and unsociable. Insecurity makes such a person long for his Polish heritage which he still misses (e.g. Polish girlfriend, visiting Poland, seeking Polish news, visiting Polish websites) but would never admit it and that makes him furious and resentful. An exaggerated sense of self-importance, inflated ego, if you will, makes him abhor and ridicule fellow Poles.
No co, niedowartosciowany pajacu dobrze cie ocenilem? Radze przyznac sie i przeprosic towarzycho na tym forum.
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