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hello everybody... does anybody know what whas the end of recently sex scandal in our government?...anyway, what do you think about politics in our country? it going to be better or worse?
hmm this is very interesting what you have written...anyway you are right...what can we think about our politics?...maybe really better is to think nothing?...
...The only way to change anything, is to be on the inside, to become a politician - but then the fear is that we will become just like them. I always work on the principle that 'better the devil you know'.
Even if you would became a politican, you wouldn't change nothing at all, you would get more and more money and you wouldn't care about the polish community. Everyone says that "if i would be a politic i would change everything, our country would be better than is now". It's not so easy as you may think. There is a group(PiS) who is leading our country to became more strong on the world stage(?), you can't avoid millions of problems which would come day by day, once i even were thinking "what if there would be no politics" and now i have a clue.
First of all, the sex scandal is not finished as far as I know.

It seems Aneta Kwiatkowska is not as 'white' as she was being shown in the media. The other side, Łyżwińksi i Lepper are any better that she is, tough.

I couldn't support any side from the very beginning of this sex scandal - neither Kwiatkowska nor Łyżwiński and Lepper.
What was the case - Kwiatkowska agreed for paying with her body to those two (or more) and afterwards she felt being used by them. Gush, that's strange attitude.

I mean, what was she thingking before doing that?
And I really don't think she was forced to do this.
She just could resign from the job or inform the media as she did in the end.

I strongly disapprove taking advantage of the position Lepper & Lyzwinski have but I don't agree to perceive Aneta Kwiatkowska as a victim. Both parties knew what they were doing. If it can be proven, then abusers should be sentenced. But please, don't say she's a victim.

As for politicians in our country. They are misreable. Of very low quality.

There are expections of course but most of the politicians shouldn't just be there. The most reasonable politicians are members of Civic Platform.

In Law and Justice the number of reasonable politicians is decreasing. Anyone having its own identity and beliefs or even worse - open minded person - just don't fit to the Prime Ministers point of view.

Self-defence and Polish Family League's politicians are not better than Law and Justice's.


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