OK. whatever\'s going on with my computer, I will try to finish it asap.
I must have a really odd sense of humor, Martine. When I think I said something funny, people don\'t seem to get it and I get a cold shoulder again. Why? I do not know. Do they take things out of context when I simply joke? Your guess is good as mine! No clue from this end...I almost feel like people \"gang up\" on me and want me to stop saying what I am saying because they either don\'t get the jokes or they don\'t want to hear any more.
Whatever. I get it and I get it loud and clear. And I don\'t need any of this, especially when I don\'t mean anything by joking with others. It\'s gotta be my sick sense of humor. Not that anyone else has ever told me that before.
ALSO, I hate when people tell me openly in front of others that they hate me. That person has lost my total credibility, trust, respect and whatever else that was left in the way of friendly feelings. That\'s that. To hate someone is a VERY strong word and I NEVER...repeat NEVER... wanted to hurt anyone on this forum purposely.
OK, so by now I hope you get this idea that I am NOT welcome here because of that and I simply do NOT plan on staying here.
I hope you can understand.
Enjoy your visists here as long as you can :)