Look who\'s talking???? Did the mental hospital test too many drugs on you ever since you started your own board, Luke? Or \"Lukar\"...how is that for a dumb name...is it an Iraqi/Lebenese name or something?
So are you into uppers or downers, old timer???
My wild guess is you are in your late 40\'s? The way you write your shit only suggests that you are not a spring chicken any more.
So, OK, you explain something to the people that are coming here to look at your board. Anyone who has visited ANY other Polish-English forum like yours will notice right away one thing that makes you STAND OUT from all the other forums....AND THAT IS: the amount of questions that are found on your forum....self generated and phoney.
Coincidence? NO!!!! you write your own questions, answer your own questions and at the same time run for Mr Popularity title across Poland.
A total idiot can see that.
You have more faces \"Lukar\" than Mount Rushmore but only one brain cell that fights for dominance.
Anywhere else people write on forums and are being answered but your forum is different. It HAS TO BE be different because you are behind most questions and YOU decide who gets answered and who doesn\'t. If you don\'t like someone you will manipulate everything to your advantage.
Fuck you, LUKAR. You got no cerdibility and I hope sooner or later people will catch onto it. And I plan on helping them. You watch me.
now....ghow do you like benzodiazapines? You will need them!
Oh, I forgot...a cute little smiley just for you :)
And act your age senile!