How to learn more efficiently?

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Noone bothered to\'s a pity,I must go to a video shop...:)
I\'ve seen it and I\'m quite amazed! Mulholland Drive is a mysterious crime-story put in an oniryc pictures, illogical scenes and strange dialogues. You should watch it deep at night when your perception would be half-asleep. Then you would feel its gorgeous atmosphere. Strange-looking faces and moments from the depth of a nightmare complete the description. A must-see one!!!
Thanks! I will see it for sure but perhaps I will wait till long autumn evenings...
Sure! And have a dose of vodka before:)
A really nice tip!:)
Have you ever thought over an idea to visit some English sites, to find forum to discus things with native English speakers and writers?
Yes, I have.I\'ve visited Talkcity several times.But it wasn\'t such a good idea. Perhaps you could suggest a better site than that?
I never did. Just an idea. Why not browse here and there around?
Well, I WILL but it must wait for aa while...thanks for suggesting it.
Czy znacie kogoś kto był na farmie w Angli Barfoots of botley
no...haven't you noticed? An "English only" forum:)
Napisze po polsku bo jestem raczej francuskojezyczny, z anglikiem to dopiero mile zlego poczatki. Zadzwon do Anglii lub stanow. W obecnych czasach to nie jest takie drogie a na pewno tansze od korkow z naturalszczykiem. Najwieksza zaleta jest to, ze zeby pociagnac rozmowe oni musza cie wczesniej zrozumiec - od razu wiesz jaki jest stopien zrozumienia twojego angielskiego.
Ciekawe tylko czy jeszcze tu zagladasz.
You must study 30 minutes

- 3 times a day;
- 7 days a week;
- 52 weeks a year;
- 5 or 6 years.

Good luck!
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