USA - a world power

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Why have the USA become a world power? Have not you revolved it? Yet, Americans are mostly bad educated and despite that they have developed their country to a world power? Let`s discourse about it, shall we?
Firstly, I don\'t agree that Americans are not well educated.Their universities count among the best in the world and I personally would be very happy indeed if I could study in the States.Perhaps you think about so-called average American, but you know that there are lies, big lies and statistics...:-)
if we think about a so-called average Pole...well that also would be quite a disastrous depiction
The USA is so big and powerful because it\'s rich!
It\'s all about money :-)
there are plenty different people in the Sates and some of them can be uneducated. It\'s the same in Poland and everywhere in the World. I think that USA is so powerful, because, first of all, usually when it is bad time in Europe the most valuable and venturesome people emigrate there. Scientists, artists, people, who are involved in some organizations. Second thing is that USA hasnt been distroyed during any war. Other nations had to spend a lot of time and money bulding their countries. USA could develop. Generally, I admire USA as a country, which inroduces a lot of new ideas
Money turn the world around...
and upside down :-)
ÜSA hasn beed distroyed during any war - what about civil war? :-) ;-) ;-)
Well as for the country that was created by peoples from other continents itis quite amazing... It hasn fallen apart yet... I think that it is happening because of huge petriotism factor - if an infant knows that it should stand to the anthem there is no wonder they like to show a flag everywhere :-). But I am wondering if they are really so powerfull... It looks like recently they are not so popular in the world and their enterprises start to bankrupt or are sold... Good beginnings of the evil orr sth like that :-) Look at Microsoft :-) Anyway - I am neither anti nor pro USA. Very curious indeed.
I live in USA, and I can say that people are not worse educated here than in Poland :)))).
Yes, there is a lot of opportunities for scientist here......but....... I must admit that education and diplomas are not as respected here as they are in Europe. Americans respect those who got money! You can be a complete idiot but if you rich, you are respected. You can have PHD degree, but if you cannot afford a big car, you are nobody here.

And in judging USA....... the MAIN MISTAKE people make is taking USA culture as a monolit, one unit.
Believe me! There is as many cultural and mental diffrences between regions in USA as there are in Europe between various countries.

Fast, hard working and self- focused New Yorkers are totally different than slow, hippy like dot commas from California! And these last totally differ from cowboys from Texas, Mormons from Utah, Amish from Pensylwania, red-necks from Alabama, butchers from Chicago, jazz lovers form New Orleans etc etc. Long long list!

There are SO vivid diifrences in mentality EVEN within one state that you could compare tham to the diffrences in UK between e.g Scottish, English and Welsh, let alone diffrences between states!!

It seems ALL THE SAME for those who never travelled throught USA and perceive USA as signle-minded McDonald unit. BUT IT IS NOT SO SIMPLE!
Rita - have a question. Is the way of education (in general) in USA straight line type? I mean - are they taught to think in an abstract way? Multiple problems solving? I am asking becase in NZ the plague is that they are taught only one thing and they are taught to believe that what they cannot do others will do ie if i can vaccum the floor then someone else can do the dusting so i don need to know (even try) anything about dusting... So we have idiots who cannot think. Because it is not their area... Btw they are not so good in their areas also :-)
Something about University education in its historical development ;p

Higher education began in the United States long time ago, when the Puritan leaders of the settlement called the Massachusetts Bay Colony founded in 1636 Harvard College (Massachusetts). Established by John Harvard, English clergyman, this college was to turn into the most famous of the American Universities (you all know that ).
Other famous institutions of higher education: The college of William and Mary (Virginia 1693), Yale College (Connecticut 1701), Columbia University (1754) etc.
Since 1870s the colleges have developed enormously. Their resources have multiplied, the number of their students has increased by leaps and bounds, the program of studies has broadened and deepened, the standards have been raised, amd the efficiency of the instruction has greatly increased. Rigidly prescribed courses of study have given way to elective courses.
In the courses of time, when research centres and experiment stations were attached to the Universities, these institutions turned into the strongholds of science and higher education. They developed a uniqe, typically American structure unlike and other existing University system in the world.

All right it was boring :-) There are a lot of differences in polish and american system of education. In Poland students have to remember definitions of many things (being encyclopaedia?? why not? but what is the reason??) . In the USA not all schools offer any foreign languages(!!!!!), if they do, it usually lasts for no longer than half a year. In general, it is not necessary to study a foreign language to get a high school diploma. (but planning a college or university - a foreign language for no less than two years).
What\'s better??
being good/ quite good in many subjects/things or being an expert in one/two... specialization???? (I don\'t mean that if you are really good in maths you have no idea how to cook or do the washing up!!)
How you want to be educated depends only on you!! There is no rule if you are from USA , France, UK or Poland! People learn what they\'re interested in!
the USA - powerful??
Ok this country is rich- but at the begining this was just a colony and later a new country. What happened?? Europe got two wars and destroyed itself. And what did the USA??- helped Europe to rebuild countries- give them some money and materials (now they are rich??) - because of this helping mission, the USA started a trade with Europe(during the world war II and after it) - american factories got money , the government had great relations etc. Isn\'t that wonderful????? ;-P
Sorry for my mistakes- I hope you understand most of this text
How the USA became a world power...

After seizning their independence they in 100 years multiplyed their territory becoming almost as big, as tehy are today- however they started from 13 states. They had plenty of land, but few people so immigration bloomed, but what type of people came? Of course those braver, diligent, bold ones. Because there weren\'t to many people -comparing to needings, mens work was covered quite good. So people became rich, because they were diligent, and they worked hard. So when the industry was progressing, people were rich enough to buy, what was produced. And there were a lot of things produce, because the investors wanted to lower costs of producing resulted in seeking for alternative way of producing frugal in using people, what determined technical progress, and so on. Becides the USA are very rich in natural sources. So in 1890 the USA became the richest country in the world, what they are till now.
Your very elaborate answer wasn\'t boring at all!The variety of possibilities has always been the most attractive factor of American education and also American way of life IMHO of course.But I \'m tottaly and fully against this inclination towards very narrow specialisation-it would be a real drawback for me because I\'m usually interested in almost everything!What a pity I can\'t do everything in my life!:-)
Generally, I agree with you that there are all sorts of different people in the US (just like in any other country) and one shouldn\'t take it as a whole. However, I don\'t believe that regional differences are as big as the fact whether you live in a big city or in rural area. The folks who live in the country whether it\'s in Texas, California, Georgia, or New York (state) will behave/act/look very much alike. The same situation goes for the big cities - whether you live in Dallas, San Francisco, Atlanta or NYC you will behave/act/look very much alike. True, there are more differences between the big cities (based on their location) than there are between the rural communities (based on their location), but still those are mostly related to political leaning (in the sample cities listed below Dallas and Atlanta being in the South will be more conservative than San Francisco or NYC).

Also, I\'m not sure I\'d agree with you about the asserted respect for the rich but stupid. Sure, money plays a big role here but you have to differentiate between being wealthy because you worked hard and are smart, and being wealthy because you won a lottery, for instance. I don\'t think that if some idiot and/or jerk wins a lottery tomorrow he automatically will get a respect from everyone just because he\'s got money. Sure, there\'ll be a whole bunch of ass-kissers around him who may appear as if they had respect for him but would you call that respect?
Now, if someone has been successful at what he does and as a result of that he happens to be wealthy but uneducated (in a meaning not that he\'s stupid but he doesn\'t have a college degree) I don\'t see a reason why you wouldn\'t respect him just because he\'s not a Ph.D. And conversely - why would you respect someone who is a complete loser, who has problems with being in charge of his life but he\'s got a Ph.D? (I don\'t think that the latter happens too often \'though...)
I believe that for the most part the respect is given here based on how successful you are not strictly on the size of your house or car.
There\'s one more important issue here - let\'s not confuse respect with envy. I admit to envying many jerks but I certainly don\'t have any respect for them.

I just realized that I\'m way off the topic.......... but what the hell, I\'ll post it anyway.
From my postgraduate experience: In Poland and in UK eductation was mainly based on stupid memoriziation of VOLUMES AND VOLUMES of books!

Yes, Americans are selfish and often supericial bastards ( sooory, blushing ) but I must objectively admit that the system of education in USA is not THAT BAD. I have the very positive experience about it . Less memorizing, lots of team work and REAL problem solving; cannot do without abstract thinking here! I really like this system because during the MBA program I learned many practical things.

I found USA to be a VERY diverse place. It isn\'t based only on the political leaning. NYC and San Francisco( I live in SF Bay Area), are skewed to the LEFT, but New Yorkers are vry diffrent with their wit and arrogance from maniana, lazy-like and rather cheerful Californians! There diffrences in EVERY state.

>Also, I\'m not sure I\'d agree with you about the asserted respect for
>the rich but stupid.

Bob1, with all do your respect- I think that you are talking about your own opinion here, which I find very NOBLE, by the way, and witness good about your system of values. :)
Although in the very left-winged and European-like San Francisco, the car is not your ID, but in most of the places in USA IT IS. YOU ARE HEREWHAT YOU DRIVE, unfortunately. You can vividly see it especially in conservative states like Texas, Florida etc. In Florida, they serve you depending on what you drive!!! And rich folk scrolls their windows up and drives fast through poor areas!
I am very sorry but I respect more somebody with Phd np. in ancient greek, who have problems with finding a university postion due to the low demand for his subject, rather that sucessful jerk who thanks to the sheer luck xmade a fortune overnight on hangers for clothes for Macys. NOT EVERY SUCCESS HERE is based on HARD WORK, I have seen many examples of sheeeeeeeeer LUCK!

The wealth here is based on simple economical equasion called ECONBOMY OF THE SCALE. SIZE MATTERSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! If you add the fact that USA wasn\'t directly hurt by the 2 World War you have the soultion.

ECONOMY OF THE SCALE: anybody with the basic course in economy knows this phenomenon. And that is why they wanted as in UE at all!!! Only size allows the economy to grow.

Hard work in USA? hmmm perhaps in times of the Puritians ORA ET LABORA ( móld sie i pracuj) was a rule but now I see more degeneration and decay and...fin de siecle.
As a matter of fact I think Americans are quite diligent. By the way they are very venturesome what I admire the most. Because of that they made the USA a world power. My father was in the USA and he told me that he was working 16 hours every day (including Sunday). I think (though I can be wrong) Americans hold work dear and have no time for other things (besides sleep). Enquiries have shown that Americans work longer than anyone in the world. Is it enought? Certain no! What about the education? I admire education in the USA too. It`s true that students who study there have more practical knowledge and as called know-how. Besides they needn`t grind volumes of books. But there is one \"quite small\" difference... If we want be good educated we are obligated to PAY. Education in Europe is free of expense and because of that it isn`t strange that it is worse than in the USA. In my opinion it`s important to have general knowledge at all but an expert in one or two specialization. Moreover it`s importan how we are set. Americans are very venturesome, they aren`t afraid to take credit for their enterprises. They aren`t afraid to risk at all. That is what I admire the most! What about foreign languages? If I were American I wouldn
(sorry) wouldn`t learn other Languages at all (why should I if i know that English is the most wide-spreaded language in the world
nowaczek :
well... 16 hours per week work only illegal usually immigrants who want to work so long hours:)) IT IS THEIR CHOICE!
You have the idea about USA from the 20ties in XX century where people were working their ass off.
Nowadays, in the state of California, you have to pay twice as much for the additional hours if you want to employ somebody for longer than 8 hours a day! And every employer is serious about it as they are really scared of beiong sued for injustice etc. COURT issueas are crazy about it!

and.... Education is not free in Western Europe. I studied in UK as well and have some idea about the educational sysyetm over there. It is not free like in Poland everywhere! You pay in UK France etc if you want your kid go to drug-free school etc. And everybody PAYS for school at college and universitie level.You can apply for grant but you pay something anyway. The fees varies for Brits depending on the university.
Polish education is not so cheap as you think - of course it cheaper than in other western countries but still... And cheap not necesserily means bad. In 70´s our universities were on the top of the list. Right now it´s getting worse because of government´s financial cuts of dotations. They just forget that educated people are >more valued or maybe they just want to have a nation of idiots - it´s easier to control idiots... Cause every educated man or woman will immigrate... Sad but true...
Still i don agree with: Education in Europe is free of expense and because of that it isn`t strange that it is worse than in the USA. We have an example such as Politechnika Gdanska which still sits on the top. And I bet that our education is as good as american. The argument that what you pay for i better is not a good agrument. (NIe wszystko zloto co sie swieci :-) - intentionally wrote this one in polish)
And about hours of working - in USA and other civilized countries you are paid for overtime hours (excl. illegal work of course). In Poland you are obliged to work 40 hours per week and for such you are paid - but in practice it not so sweet. Often you work more than that - and you have no choice because you want to keep your job - you know that it is not so easy to find any job right now... So you spend all your time at work and you are paid lousy money (in most of the cases).
Nice isnt it????????????
Yes, Kasiul I agree the issue of education and tution is not that simple abroad. Furthermore it is getting more expensive in Poland.
But still, I didn\'t pay złotówki for my magisterkę in Poland in 90ties , but I paid Heeeeeeeellllllllll of money for my education abroad .
Yeah I know what you mean - i am just disagreeing to some points of this whole discussion that´s all :-) But education in Poland and job issues are more complex that we could even imagine. There are some changes that will be a surprise to all complainig people who want so desperately fully paid studies... Well we will see to that :-) Ok right now it is not too good as it is and will be getting worse...
Asd I said - i am neither anti or pro USA, but when i hear USA this USA that and we love America - well that makes me sick. What USA did so wonderful that i should be grateful and on my knees facing the ground on which USA stamps?????? I don´t see any reason for that while i am grateful for being Pole ´cause Poland gave me my education. I am who I am because of what i learned (i mean the way of seeing things and so on) and what i experienced in Poland.
The reason why i left Poland is because i don´t like what´s happening right now - governement people and their decisions - no employee rights and almost zero chances to get good job and live as a human being should (there is this thing called dignity which people in Poland are denied right now). If I could live with similar standard as I do right now in NZ... I wouldn´t leave Poland... But well, life is not so easy :-) So I am here :-)
I don\'t love America at all, especially with G.w. Bush being the president ,but I do appreciate the whole range of opportunities this country could offer.The power of this country comes from people that want to change their lifes for better and use these opportunities.Some of them become rich and they enrich the whole country.If you are rich in Poland you must either immigrate or pretend you are poor;-)
What you describes sounds as if the entire USA identifies with Mr Bush polictics.
Should have been every Pole identified as a comminist in yet 15 years ago?
Are you identifying yourself with the current Polish goverment, Prime Minister, President and the parlament with Gierdych and Lepper???:))
So be aware of the fact that not everybody in USA LOVES Bush and his politics!!
Perhaps it sounded like that but be sure, RitaSkita, I DO know that not all Americans love and believe in Mr Bush,I watch CNN by the way and the last Democrat convention where plenty of people critisized Bush for every possible action and reaction:-).But you must admit that it matters what party is in power and who leads it.
Are you going to come back to Poland? Perhaps in 10 years? For some people it`s hard to deciede to live abroad (especially for those who are grateful being Poles). I know that you are admire you because of that. I heard some telling that they are Americans or Germans (and the true is that they came to those states for example 10 years ago). Some peoble don`t want to be Poles but they aren`t Americans or Germans as well. Such people I can only regret. I am proud to be Pole and I am not going to give up my passport (in some causes you are obligated to choose). I ask you whether you are going to come back because I think that for someone who is abroad it is quite easy to lose his or her national identification. I would like to live abroad too but for no longer that 2 or 3 years. Living or studying abroad has a lot of advantages... But after a while I am quite sure that I would yearn.
Rita.... Did you learn English before you moved to the USA?
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