
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy moze mi ktos pomoc w przetlumaczeniu zwrotu: "Z lektury"?

Ja przetlumaczylam to na "From the Reading."

Niestety promotor mojej pracy nie zgodzil sie ze mna i napisal: THIS

Z gory bardzo dziekuje:)
Ale co "Z lektury"?
Pisze o ksiazce znanego krytyka teatralnego. Ksiazka jest podzielona na dwa rozdzialy: Z lektury i Z widowni. W eseju tak zaczelam:

The Szkice o Szespirze is divided into two parts:
I “Z Lektury” [“From the Reading”]
II “Z Widowni” [“From the House”]
aż chce się ujendolicić odniesienia - from reading, from watching albo from the reading room, fro the house, rozumiesz, o co mi chodzi? Z drugiej strony nie mozemy ujednolicac odniesien, jezeli autor tego sam nie uczynil, w zwiazku z czym proponuje samo 'from reading'.
Ta książka była przetłumaczona na angielski. Zdaje się, że pierwszy rozdział to "The Kings" :-)
"The Kings" byl rozdzialem w Szekspir Wspolczesny (Shakespeare Our Contemporary). Ja pisze o Kotta pierwszym wydaniu Szkice o Szekspirze z 1961roku, ktore nie bylo przetlumaczone.
Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów...:

Dear Aunty Rose!
Now I'm sitting with my mum in room. It's late but I thought write letter to you.
In the holidays I was on the sea with Wiki and her parents on one week. It was really fine but weather was medium. Later I was on the dance camp on one week too. It was very exhaustive but nice.
On the wedding was beautiful and funny. On party I get to know Agata's English family. She has cousin Connor. He is 16 years old. He is really nice and handsome. I danced and had fun with him. He lives in Blackpool. I talked with him in English. I like it!
I was so sad when my mum said to me you and uncle John don't visit to Poland. I hope see you again. Meybe in England. I would come to England again.
On 1st September I must go to school. In this year I finish grammar school and I will have tests to secondary school: Polish, Maths and English. I'm scared little. In secondary school I will have seconadry school-certificate.

With love from Monika xxx
Dear 'Aunty' (*popraw-ortog) Rose!
Now I'm sitting with my mum in (tu cos brakuje) room. It's late, (przecinek przed but) but I thought (tu cos brakuje) (ale kto? tego tez brakuje) write
(tu cos brakuje)letter to you.
In the holidays I was 'on' AT the seaSIDE with 'Wiki' (popraw) and her parents 'on' (to jest kalka i nawet nie jestem pewna - ale FOR) one
week. It was really fine, but (tu cos brakuje) weather was 'medium' (nie wyrazamy6 sie tak o pogodzie - popraw). Later I was 'on' (znowu sie zakochales w tym 'on' popraw) 'the' A dance camp 'on' FOR one week too.
'On' AT the wedding (tu cos brakuje) was beautiful and funny. (ale o jakim wedding ty mowisz? nic o nim wczesniej nie wiedzielismy)
'On' (prosze nie uzywaj tego 'on' bo jak narazie to nawet nie wiesz gdzie to powinno byc uzywane, tutaj AT) (tu cos brakuje) party I 'get' (zly czas- tutaj czas przeszly powinnine byc) to know Agata's English family. She has (tu cos brakuje) cousin NAMED Connor.
I was so sad when my mum 'said' (zle slowo - tutaj TOLD) 'to' (niepotr) me THAT you and uncle John 'don't' (niewiem gdzie wyszukalas tego kolokw. - tutaj inaczej - popraw) visit 'to' (niepotr) Poland. I hope (tu cos brakuje) see you again. 'Meybe' (ortog) in England. I would (tu brakuje LIKE TO come to England again.
In this year I finish 'grammar school' and I will have tests to 'secondary school' (poszukaj lepszych odpowiednikow - dla mnie grammar i secondary sa na tym samym poziomie): Polish, Maths and English. I'm scared (tu cos brakuje) little. 'In' (nie in-ale chyba na koncu - popraw) (tu cos brakuje) secondary school I will have 'seconadry' (ortog) school-certificate.
Dear Aunty Rose!
Now I'm sitting with my mum in my room. It's late, but I thought so I write letter to you.
In the holidays I was AT the seaSIDE with 'Wiki' and her parents FOR one week. It was really fine, but (nie wiem czego tutaj może brakowac...?) weather was no good . Later I was A dance camp FOR one week too.
AT the wedding (czego może brakowac?) was beautiful and funny.
AT the party I got to know Agata's English family. She has got cousin NAMED Connor.
I was so sad when my mum TOLD me THAT you and uncle John can't visit Poland. I hope see you again. Maybe in England. I would LIKE TO come to England again.
In this year I finish school and I will have tests to secondary school : Polish, Maths and English. I'm scared little. I will have secondary school-certificate in secondary school.

Teraz jest lepiej ?
Nie, nie jest lepiej, bo nie wzielas pod uwage wszystkie moje poprawki.
Przepraszam... staralam sie jak moglam ale w niektorych przypadkach nie bardzo wiem jak poprawic moje bledy...;/ :( moj angielski jak widac nie jest zbyt dobry.... moglabys/ moglbys napisac co jeszcze poprawic...?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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