supernatural experiences?

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I was wondering, have any of you ever experienced anything mysterious, anything inexplicable through logical argumentation, like a feeling that the place you stayed was visited by a ghost? I am very interested in this right now as I have had a chat with one of my friends recently and she told me two stories relating to members of her family, stories which sounded improbable but at the same time intriguing, in which there was a supernatural presence or occurence, strange coincidences... This is just general, maybe I`ll give you details if this siccussion catches on. For now I`d like to ask you whether you believe in such things, supernatural presence, ghosts coming back from the world of dead? hm?
I believe in supernatural.
And sometimes I keep wondering if my dead relatives are watching me. And what they think about me doing things I should not.
And sometimes I wonder what it will be like when one day I die and.... right - what then?
sorry, meant discussion, not sicussion of course
well, it sounded so well, that my first thought was 'what's that word that I don't know?' :P
Well, I believe in afterlife too. But what I really meant was if you believe in meeting people as ghosts when you are still alive, and in their giving you phisical signs of their presence
sorry to have disappointed you:) In fact that could be a nice English word:)
Right, I know, but this is somehow connected with what I wrote before. I believe that there is life after death, and I do believe that some people are able to make contact with the 'ghosts'. I hope that one day something will happen and then I'll know for sure it's true:)
well, i may dissapoint you, but I definitely don't believe in ghost. i think that people want to believe it and they do. no particulary reason to believe, no proves, just imagination. but I respect your opinion of course. maybe to convince me you should tell this story you've mentioned before...
oh! btw, I really believe in ghost (and even am afraid) while watching horrors!
proof of course ;)
Anyone who heard a blood-curdling story about apparitions, which sounded strangely believable, although impossible from a logical point of view? Share
In fact I didn`t say that I believe in supernatural contacts. I am rather in two minds about this kind of things. People`s extreme sensitivity and imagination could in fact account for their claims to have experienced sth special. It doesn`t have to be true at all. Sometimes we think we see or hear sth on the basis of our hidden fears or simply stories we heard someday which stick in our subconsciousness. I don`t know...
Orange - can you tell me what the air is? Cause i don't see it :-) The thing is that not so long time ago many things, as we believe in them and we prooved they exist right now, were marked as kids' tales and rubbish... Why not givin'a second thought???? Of course most of the stories are only stories but... not everything is as we think they are... I believe in sthg supernatural... If we can take a photo of human aura... and i had few experiences myself so... nothing tragic or big but enough for me...
Cheerios :-)
could you say a bit about one of them?, the one that would not be too personal? I haven`t met any unidentified beings so far, and I hope I won`t, somehow it makes me feel really scared even to imagine... what people tell me always arouses doubts, but the more stories, the easier it is to believe...
Ok something nice an easy... well it turn out quite a lot of times in my life that i know perfectly some parts of the cities i have never been before and never have been interested in them before... It's just i happen to be there and then click - i know everything... Sometimes it's scarry... But i didn't meet ghosts = thanks heavens!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much for this kind of pleasure... Let them live but not too obviously for me :-) Anyway - after my grandpa died some time after his death there was something in our corridor - like bumping on sth, even our dog didn't sleep there... But it was maybe for 2 weeks... There was sthg special about this corridor and my grandpa but i am not gonna say what :-)
There are ghosts out there, without any doubts, but it's not safe to mess with them.Leave this topic and think about something less dangerous, like your future:)
Hehe, so you say that future is less dangerous than ghosts? :-) Well i don't wish to have a meeting with either of them, but when they happen they happen :-)
The difference between ghosts and future is this:everyone has a bad or a good future and must face it one time or the other and you might live your whole life without meeting with a ghost.Philosophical approach:))))
kasiul, what you are talking about is sth connected more with reincarnation, not with ghosts. And I did't say I dont belive this second. And secondly, i do believe that thereexists sth like memory which lives after death, but i would never treat it as supernatural , rather notion that we (people of 21 century) don't quite can take now. I think our brains are so elaborate, that it will take some time before we will be able to kind of know them and maybe after that we'll explain many strange things we cannot now
I have thought a lot about my future recently. I am terriefied about it :) I do believe in ghots as well. It think it is a matter of religion as well. In some cultures you are tought from your childhood that ghost do believe and when you are older you won`t believe anybody who claims that ghost don`t exsist. It is true that it is a dangerous subject but in my opinion not discussing wheather ghost exist or not. The worse you can do is to try to call up spirits. It is something that I would do at all. My brother, who knows a lot about such things, told me that it`s very dangerous, because people considere it as a game but in fact they disturb the spirits. Would not you be angry if you were a ghost ans somebody would make you come back to earth from a place where you habe everything??? You can say everything but I will never to call up spirits... I am sometimes very prejudiced.
Well i was talking about supernatural experineces and anyway i didn't give all examples what happened to me :-) And i will not :-)
I would be pissed off if i was called to another country for nothing so no wonder ghosts get mad :-) Yeah, i believe there's no need and sense in calling up the ghosts - if there is a need to "give' us a message they will show up by themselves... And they will not be pissed off :-) We don't know everything and there's still lots of stuff to discover so saying i do not believe in ghosts because it's ridiculous is... ridiculous! If you showed a PC to Quaker he would say you are a Satan and you'd be dead... or everything is a right time.
FOR everything is... ey, it ate my F :-)
Who ate your what?Please , Kasiul, it's a serious forum about ghosts and other aliens:))))))
If ghosts visited the living because they wanted to give them a message that wouldn`t be that bad: they could warn us about some decisions or suggest what we should do next:) But it`s much worse if they come without any specific reason, just to make us see them and get terrified or to make people suffer for the pain those ghosts experienced when they were yet human beings. I am wondering why ghosts are supposed not to visit people they used to know but rather places they used to live at... hm
OK, i wrote: or everything is a right time: and should be for everything... Something is eating my letters recently... Maybe some gremlin :-) About aliens you should talk with my hubby - he was in SETI programme :-) Come to think about - my hubby and i create quite extraoridnary couple :-) :-) :-)
Yeah i simplified much about this message thing - more often than not it's rather in an automatic writing style... That's true nothing worse than ghost in an agony. Most of the times the most dangerous ghosts are those who just died and don't know they died or those who don't want to believe they died or just maliciuos kind of ghosts... Why am i thinking about The Others.............. Why places they used to live at? Because, believe it or not, you leave sthg like a trace on every thing you touch so naturally your house, flat, apartment or carton box ;-) have the best "memory" of you and you feel there like at home...
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