christmas gifts.....

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every year I have the same problem: little sth for my father:/ why it's so difficult to find something nice for men about fifty?? actually not only.....
but! any ideas?
If your dad is interested a bit in history you could buy him "Twierdza szyfrow" - the latest Woloszanski book. I hope that I didn't make many mistakes in this statement;) All the best Gabolmanka:*
Maybe a tie or a shirt would be a good idea?? You can also buy a razor with shaving gel, or something like this. I'm going to buy my father Parker pen (one of the cheapest, but.... ;). It depends on how much money you can spend.
what about hip-flask. I bought one last Christmas for my father. He was content. This year I`m going to buy chess. Good luck
What is 'hip-flask' ?

My problem is: my father is interested in cleaning, servicing, and taking care of his car. Can you suggest something ? Of course, he has everything for cleaning. Maybe a book (neither light literature nor atlas and so on).

My mother is interested in everything that revolves around grandchildren. She has pictures, albums and so on. Any suggestion ?
There are few things that can you buy. For example: my father have a small business so I thought that he will need a snitzy knife to open letters. Beside he like classical music and also Mike Oldfield so I can buy him a CD or DVD. I really like giving books but my father doesn't like to read. Maybe your does...? If you continually don't have idea what to give him - buy some alcohol (vodka, whisky...)

P.S. hip flask means piersiówka
Thanks for translation :) THIS can be a good idea + some alcohol! My father doesn't like music, doesn't read (this is so sad, btw).

But I have still problem with my mother (as every year)...
As far as your mother is concerned, it would make sense to buy more personal gift, appealing to her taste. You would be well advaised to look for perfume of beatiful scent. However, on no account should you give her any kind of device useful in kitchen. She may find it offensive. She is woman, not only a housewife!!
I'm not sure if it would be suitable and personal enough, but recently there've been published a great number of books that may suit every woman and are quite marvellous. I woul recommend "Widmokrąg" by Kuczok or "Pięć osób, które spotykamy w niebie" by Mitch Albom. These items just enable us to think and dream of better.. hmmm... no, it's not that word... more sophisticated world. I'm sure your mum'll be pleased with them.
Thanks to all of you, I have gifts for my parents!

I bought my mother a pocket mirror, and a bajeranckie torch. Additionally, I will give them o bottle of Carlos III (very good cognac, although modest).
sounds nice...I also thought of buying my parents some alcohol (something more sophisticated than a cheap wine) but they do not drink..only on special ocasion:)
that's why a bought my father a CD ( Gregorians - he's rather fond of them and already has all CDs) and my mum- a special shampoo & nutrient (as she is constantly using mine and complaining she doesn't have her own).

My boyfriend is a great fan of Queen and he once said he couldn't find a poster in any shop...well, I hope he will appreciate one:>:D we'll see tomorrow:)

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