
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
prosze o sprawdzenie czy jest to porawnie napisane:
Breakfast - a meal eaten in the morning. Depending on the national tradition consists of various dishes - from light and simple to the more hearty and complex.

In Poland, breakfast consists mostly of the warm drink (tea or coffee), such as soup, sandwiches, or milk. Typically a morning dish is scrambled eggs. As a result, drawing on Western culture, to change the eating habits of Poles. Breakfast in the West is often a portion of cereal flakes with milk, to toast with jam, juice and coffee.
second breakfast, usually a second meal of the day, eaten between breakfast and lunch (usually between the hours of 10 and noon). Eating lunch is very important for good nutrition, regular consumption of meals every 3-4 hours, ensure the proper functioning of metabolism.
lunch-the most important meal of the day, eaten in Poland, mostly between the hours of 12 and 16.Tradycyjnie consists of two courses - in Poland, usually with a soup and main course.
Afternoon tea - a meal eaten late in the afternoon, "the evening". Fills the interval between lunch and dinner. Usually eats a light snack, such as ice cream, fruit, biscuits, crisps and fruit juice or drinking something hot. It is eaten in hours 14.30-18.00
dinner -last evening meal. It should be easy to digest. In Poland and other European countries it is usually dinner in hours 18-21. Christmas dinner is a meal eaten evening Dec. 24, consisting of 12 traditional dishes.
In Poland, breakfast consists mostly of 'the' (popraw) warm drink (tea or
coffee), 'such as' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego tutaj) soup, sandwiches, or milk. As a result,(as a result od czego? tutaj musisz jasno napisac) drawing on Western culture, to change the eating habits of Poles. (cos to cale zdanie jest nie tak, pomysl co chcesz napisac)
Breakfast in the West is often a portion of cereal flakes with milk, 'to' (po co to?) toast with jam, juice and coffee.
Eating 'lunch' (ale o lunchu nic nie napisales) is very important for good nutrition. Regular consumption of meals every 3-4 hours, ensureS the proper functioning of metabolism.
'lunch' (aha, ale wczesniej dales resultaty lunchu -cos pozmieniaj)-the most important meal of the day, eaten in Poland, mostly between the hours of 12 and 16. 'Tradycyjnie' (to jest polskie slowo) consists of two courses -
in Poland, usually 'with' (niepotr) a soup and (tu cos brakuje) main course.
(tu cos brakuje) fills the interval between lunch and dinner. Usually 'eats' (kto? co? musisz napisac) a light snack, such as (tu cos brakuje) ice cream, fruit, biscuits, crisps and fruit juice or 'drinking' (najpierw 'eats' a teraz 'drinking' - symetria!) something hot. It is eaten 'in' DURING (tu cos brakuje) hours (tu cos brakuje) 14.30-18.00
In Poland and other European countries it is usually 'dinner' (nie rpozumiem po co to slowo tutaj jest) DURING 'in' (niepotr) (tu cos brakuje) hours 18-21.
>Christmas dinner is a meal eaten (tu brakuje 2 slowa) evening (tu cos brakuje)Dec. 24, consisting of 12 traditional dishes.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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